Chapter 10.5

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A buzz comes from your phone making you jump.

It was a text message from an unknown number.

"Kira is lying to you. They all are. They're all planning on killing you".

You freeze in horror.

You can hear Kira talking to someone at the front door and laughing.

You text back, your hands shaking.

"What do you mean? Who is this??"

Almost instantly the person replies.

"Im just a friend. Trust me. Don't trust anybody".

Suddenly your phone goes black. Battery was dead.

"Fuck!" You swore loudly as Kira entered back into the kitchen.

"Your mailman sure is funny". He laughs carrying a stack of envelopes.

He sits it down at the kitchen counter and turns to you.

You were staring frustratedly at dark phone screen.

"Oh did your phone die?"

"Yeah.." You mutter than look up as he wasn't sitting back down.

You decided not to say to anything to Kira.

While you couldn't trust whoever that person was, you couldn't entirely trust Kira either.

He was suspicious in some ways as well.

"Oh crap I forgot to toast the bread". He exclaimed getting up and running back to the counter.

You kept quiet and decided to eat some of your food.

You still felt pissed but generally you felt more alarmed right now.

Was Kira such a threat?

You watched him scuttling around in front of you.

He HAD helped you a lot these past few days.

But it just didn't add up, even if he claimed to love you, why do so much and be so touchy in just a few days?

You didn't really understand love or boyfriends.

Earlier, you had almost accepted that maybe he truly did love you, maybe that was just how he showed it.

But looking at it twice now..

"Your toast!" Kira exclaims proudly setting down a plate and then some condiments.

He sits back down again.

"Like I was saying earlier.. I know I can't tell you much. But I do really care for you. And I'm going to help you in any way I can ok? Just trust me". He says almost pleadingly while his eyes bored into yours.


That was one thing you didn't know if you even had anymore.

You nod and he smiles happily, applying butter to his piece of toast.

You stop eating and wipe your mouth on a napkin.

"Kira. I need to go charge my phone. I'll be right back". You say getting up and he nods.

For some reason, he looked a lot more relieved now.

You rush up the stairs and go into your room.

Closing and locking the door quietly.

You find your charger and wait for your phone to turn on.

You needed another plan.

As it was starting to occur to you that you had only chance to get away from everybody.

And if you had to risk your life just to run again, you were going too.

As you were in your room scheming, Kira stood outside your door, his ear pressed up against the door.

He knew you planned on leaving.

He knew you way too well.

"Oh Y/N. You can't escape me". He whispers and then backs away.

Glancing at the corner of hallway he catches the small camera, almost hard to see for any human eye.

Smiling at it, pulls out his own phone.

Then sends a text to his brother.

"Get the package ready. And call the others. Especially that bitch Violet. Tell her to text Y/N".

With that he gives a satisfied smile and walks back down to the kitchen.

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