I'm Coming

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Chapter Two: I'm Coming

The week seems to pass slowly until Anna's work is disrupted when Gale knocks a stick against the frosty panes.

"Gale!" Anna leaps to her feet and quickly opens the window. "Hi, there," Anna smiles as the spirit blows a gust of wind that zooms around her face and lifts her hair.

The wind spirit drops a letter in Anna's hand. "Thank you! I will call you when I am ready to send a letter back, okay?" the Queen, already tearing the envelope open, sits down in her chair.

Anna's eyes widen as she reads Elsa's letter.

Dear Anna,

Hello, love. Anna, I am so sorry I wasn't able to respond to all of your letters. The flu has finally started to diminish since we've been keeping those contagious away from the healthy. The Northuldra and I were extremely thankful for the help you sent us. I became sick about a week ago, but Honeymaren took great care of me. If you don't mind, I want to come stay in Arendelle for the weekend. I miss you all so much!

PS: Don't tell the children I'm coming. I want it to be a surprise!

Love you always,


Anna can't contain her smile as she gently sets the letter on her desk. She needs to let Gerda know to prepare Elsa's room; however, knowing her children, the girls will probably want their Aunt to sleep with them.

She decides to work hard until lunch time so that she can spare some time to spend the afternoon with her family.


"3...2...1! Ready or not, here I come!" Lumi yells to his hiding sisters. First, he checks the twins's bedroom because he thought he heard footsteps in that direction.

He practically destroys their room trying to find them. Lumi groans as he gives up his search.

Next, trying to think of where the best hiding spots are, he walks down the hall. Lumi almost passes the library door, when he notices it is cracked open. "Rookie mistake," he smirks as he pushes the door open.

Immediately, he hears a couple of muffled giggles coming from the curtains.

"Shh, Brina. He will hear us!" Nieva warns.

Lumi tiptoes towards the long draperies. He gets closer and closer and he pulls back the heavy curtain and yells, "Found you!"

Brina screams and wraps her arms around Nieva's waist. The latter places a hand to her heart, feeling how fast it is beating since her brother startled her.

Laughter fills the air as the siblings have fun together. "Where's Eira hiding?" Lumi questions his sisters.

As soon as Brina opened her mouth in response, Nieva elbows her little sister's shoulder. "Don't give it away," the older girl gives Brina a look.

Lumi pouts his lip and tries once more. "Please, Brina?"

His twin bites her lip as her gaze shifts from Lumi to Nieva. "Ugh, fine! She's in hiding in Nieva's closet," Brina gives in, earning a scoff from her older sister.

Lumi's mouth curls up into a smile. "Eira!!! I'm going to find you," the boy yells as he dashes out of the library.

"I'm hungry," Brina whines as her stomach gurgles loudly.

Neva boops her little sister's nose. "It's almost time for lunch."

Brina dramatically sighs, "You know I don't have that kind of patience."

Nieva giggles. Moments later, Eira comes running into the library. "Brina! Why did you tell him?" She whines with her arms crossed.

Lumi walks in shortly after Eira's arrival. "I'm sorry, but we're twins! We tell each other everything!" Brina exaggerates. Lumi nods his head in agreement.

"Well that doesn't make it right for you to cheat," Eira huffs.

"I'm sorry," Brina lowers her head.

Nieva mouths, "Forgive her." Eira slightly nods her head after a moment of consideration.

"Hey, I'm not mad," Eira hugs Brina. "Just... don't do it again, okay?"

"Okay!" Brina bounces back to her usual happy self.

"Tag! Your it!" Lumi slaps Brina's shoulder and runs out of the library. Brina, annoyed and amused at the same time, darts after him.

"Hey, wait up!" Eira chases them out the door.

Nieva takes a deep breath and enjoys her moment alone. She had been trying to keep her siblings entertained, since her Mama and Papa were always working. Papa's workday ended after lunch every day, so Nieva knew her shift of babysitting was almost over.

She gracefully walks over to the window and thoughtfully gazes at the glistening fjord. Nieva sees a few Arendellian soldiers patrolling the docks. They are always on the lookout for enemy ships. She doesn't worry much about that, though. Arendelle doesn't have many enemies. Her mother does a great job on settling trade agreements with other countries. Nieva wishes someday she can be a great ruler like her Mama.

Speaking of Mama, Nieva decides to walk to the queen's office to escort her to the dining hall. She loves spending one-on-one time with Anna. Recently, she's longed for more time with the Queen; however, Nieva understands, more than her younger siblings, the importance of Anna's work.

Once she arrives at the door of the queen's study, Nieva gently knocks on the door. "Just a minute!" she hears Anna yell from inside.

After opening the door, Anna's face floods with relief when she sees her oldest daughter standing there expectingly.

"Hey, honey," Anna smiles at Neva. "What's up?"

"Hi, Mama. I was just wondering if you were almost ready for lunch?" Neva asks, also relieved since her mother seemed to be in a good mood.

"Yes, I'm almost done working for the day. I wanted to spend the afternoon with you, Eira, and the twins," Anna replies welcoming her daughter into her study as she returns to her desk.

"And Papa?" Nieva asks slowly.

Anna freezes, but quickly regains composure. "Uh, yeah...and Papa," she responds.

Nieva blinks at her mom with a pensive look before sitting down in a chair close to her Mama's desk.

"What you working on now?" Nieva glances at the parchment paper that Anna is looking over.

"The Southern Isles is begging for Arendelle's forgiveness. They want to be our trading partners," Anna says with an edge to her voice.

"The Southern Isles?" the girl questions. "As in Prince Hans of the Southern Isles?"

"Yep," Anna blows her bangs out of her face. "I don't know how many times I have sent a letter stating Arendelle forgives the Southern Isles, but at this time, we do not wish to partner with them."

Nieva nods her head in agreement. She has heard Mama and Aunt Elsa's stories countless times. Prince Hans broke her Mama's heart at one point. Nieva's fists clench anytime she hears the prince mentioned.

Anna dips her feather pen in ink and carefully writes a response to the King of the Southern Isles.

"All done," the queen breaths a sigh of relief once she stamps the Arendellian seal on the bottom of the paper. "Let's go eat," Anna takes her daughter's hand, and they both exit the Queen's study.

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