20. Ice Crystal

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Zia's POV

"I'll go with you." I shrug , Jax shook his head. "You're not going anywhere." He says , leaving no room for argument. Rose stays silent but keeps her eyes on me , more specifically on Tyler who I hold in my arms. "Where's Pierce and white eyes?" Jax didn't answer me , he knew I was going regardless of what anyone said. Mama answered me , "torturing the wolves. They don't say anything but I think we all know who sent them." Everyone nods in agreement.

Rose takes Tyler from me and walks out of the room , Jax glared at the woman in front of me before taking up Rosalie. On his way out he hugs his sister and whispers something in her ear. We left the palace before Pierce came from the dungeons I think that was the best choice. Arriving at Xeres' border two days later , I was bored out of my mind. A border guard tried to stop us from passing but let's say he's disposed of. Sad to say , I didn't kill him. Recognizing me guards at the gate escorted me to the throne room , "My King , sorry to interrupt but we have something you might want to see." They attempted to push me in , that didn't go so well. No , I didn't kill them... Who am I kidding of course I did. My mouth now has a few drops of blood running down.

Pulling out a chair for myself , the council members stare at me in shock. "Sorry , didn't see you there. Hello High Council." They nod in my direction still not over their shock. It has been years since they've seen me , not to mention I talked and my face is showing. "Ziani , my dear mate. Its nice to see you back where you belong." Rolling my eyes at him , he got up from his seat. "I won't tolerate any misbehavior from you. We perform the mating ceremony now." Is this the part where clothes come off and we fuck in front of an audience? Cause ew. No. Way. In. Hell. "Just a minute. We would like to ask a few questions." A council member spoke up. To be honest with you I can't remember the name , so baldly is his name for now. "Where is Council member Black?"

Ohhh , they want to know about her. "She's dead." Gasps were heard. "Outrageous , how is that possible?" Nothing is impossible really , so they were just being extreme. "Listen baldly , Marissa did some fucked up shit. So when Mama chopped her head off and played football with it , no one felt bad." I chuckled at their expressions , I wasn't lying. High heels and all , Mama really played football with her head. Sorry they missed it , we should do it more often with more people. It'll be more fun that way. "Who is this 'Mama' you speak of." Baldly asks , his peers whispering about it being impossible. Xeres huffed , walking up to me he reached for my shirt. Kicking him in the face , he flew back a couple feet. Spouting out the blood he smirks , "always such a spitfire."

"Yeah and you have a stick up your ass." He laughs. "I suggest you don't play with me sweetie , I have a couple things you haven't seen in a while." He clapped his hands and the doors opened. Guards come in dragging Erin , Mom , Dad and Amon. Erin and Mom had the most bruises but Dad and Amon looked just as terrible. I breathe , losing my shit will result in blind rampage. We don't want that. "If you don't submit. You'll have to watch your mother and that pathetic thing you call a mate's daughter get raped." Wait... Back the fuck up... What in the world? The lines men cross. I shake my head laughing. "You don't believe me? Do it." Swiping my hand in the air the men that went to rip their clothes off , dropped to the floor in pieces. I laugh harder.

"What's so funny?" Xeres asks through a clenched jaw , "First off , This girls Aunt is bat shit crazy. Secondly , she's my daughter." Once again in my lifetime Xeres' heart is in my hand. What do you think happens next? Yup , Elizabeth and John walk in. Elizabeth rushes to me , "Zia , stop this. It could be a misunderstanding." Is she slow or something? I mean what makes her think I'll let him live. "Misunderstanding? You're fucking with me right?" She shakes her head. John seems uninterested in what his mate is telling me and helps my family to their feet. At this point I don't even know where those two women ran off too , maybe they went to get what they really came here for.

I'm not stupid , they suddenly show up and provoke me into to coming with them here. Only to disappear at the gate , yeah.. They totally came here for money. Without missing a beat , I pull Xeres' heart out his chest. His body drops to the floor , Elizabeth screams rushes to his body. I burn it into nothing and soon after his body follows suit.  Walking over to John I sigh , "I'm sorry but I warned him besides he went too far. No one threatened my family and gets away with it." Erin walks up to Elizabeth who looks up to her murderously. "Erin , get away from her." Mom says , holding her arms out. Erin nods and starts to walk back to us. I see it before everyone else does.

Spitting blood out , I look down to see Ice Crystal piercing my heart. Elizabeth let go of it and stepped back shaking , Erin screams for me and Amon suddenly appears catching me as I dropped. "I'm not even twenty five yet." I laugh only to spit out more blood. Rose appears before me , "Rose?" Amon looks up. "Rose isn't here Ziani , you're seeing things." My eyes started to close , "don't sleep Zi..." Was the last thing I heard.

Opening my eyes I groan. "Hey. Take it easy." Rose sat next to me. Looks like I'm back at The Rogue Pack. "You idiot. Do you know how scared I was." I chuckled as she tears up , "no one saw it coming. There was nothing else I could do or it would be Erin here instead." Rose tightens her grip on my hand "don't worry , we'll heal you." I smile. "We both know I'm dying. It's the same as that time we saw that witch do it. I can feel it." She shakes her head , "no. No it's not the same. We have Mama , we can fix this." A cough takes through my body before I could answer , "stop it now. Don't tell the others either , they'll get false hope." A knock sounds at the door and I grab Rose's hand giving her a pointed look. She nods as the door opens , "looks who's here to see.. Zi. You're awake." Pierce walks towards me and kisses my lips. "We were worried sick when you came back like that. Don't do that to me again." Nodding , he holds up. A pair of blue and gold eyes look at me , he holds his hands to my face.

"Momma missed you baby." He doesn't laugh or giggles , he just keeps his little hand on my face. "I decided to keep Tyler as his first name. He likes it." Ty looks away from me and up to his father then back at me. He knows something's wrong , I'll miss him the most. The next day , Rose helped me out of the hospital to the house. Keeping the others in the dark maybe wrong but I want to spend the rest of the days I have left in happiness. "So.. You're birthday is next month and we want to throw a party. What do you think?" Disani says as well sit watching Tv , she rushed over last night after hearing what happened and we spent to whole day together. "Sounds good."

Two weeks past and I spent everyday with everyone in the family. To be fair Pierce and Tyler got most of my time. Today is my last day and I want to spend with Rose. We spent morning eating breakfast with the others. I challenged her to a duel one more time. She obviously let me win in my weakness state. In the evening we went to a cliff for a sunset picnic. "The best part of the day." I mumbled as I lay on Rose's legs. She rubbed my hair , "it's really beautiful." I hum in agreement. "Rose? Will you sing that song for me? The one your Dad taught you." She smiles. "Of course I will." Rose has a very beautiful singing voice. My eyes close listening to her.

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