26. Forgiveness

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Zia's POV

I rub my hand down my face and chuckled softly. Pierce now put himself in trouble that has nothing to do with me. "Why not?" Rose asked confused. Pierce glared at her , "because you were the reason he was taken away in the first place." Rose froze , her nails elongated but her balled her hands in a fist. The wooden table sizzled under the blood , Rose's blood was way more potent in poison than my own. Without another word Rose teleported away from the table. Everyone groaned in agitation , "Why did you become so stupid in the last five years? Do you have to make everything worse?" Tamina rolled her eyes at Pierce , Lax got up from the table "Pierce." Pierce wasted no time in following his Father.

"How about training today?" Jax asked. Erin nodded , quickly finishing her breakfast and rushed upstairs. Rosa sighed looking after Erin and picked around her food. "Go change Rosa." She looked up at Jax , "Papa , are you serious?" He nods while drinking his coffee and she jumps down quickly. "Take the Queen's breakfast to her room." I tell the maid closest to me , she nods and walks in the kitchen. "Zia , I suggest you talk to that boy before he says more things he regrets." Tamina clears her throat and gets up from the table. Mama follows after her , looks like Tamina's pregnant again. Niasha Rose really is a Mama Bear.

Leaving Tyler and Jax in the dining room I walk out to the training field to find Collins. "Collins! Long time no see." He looks around startled. "Heard you rose from the dead." Chuckling we hug each other , "mind being my partner today? I'm training the kids today." He grins , "great minds think alike. I was about to teach my daughter self defense." Raising my eyebrows in surprise , " You finally got a seed in the world man congrats but never mind that why self defense?" He chuckles , "Thanks. My mate's a vampire but my daughter doesn't have any of our abilities yet so I'm teaching her a little at a time." I nod , makes sense she could be a late bloomer.

"Where is she?" He looks around , "Saiya? Where are you?" "Here!" A little girl runs up to us. Her hair blood red , eyes held a bright orange color and her skin pale as if she was never touched by the sun. "There you are. Say hello to Luna Ziani." She smiles widely and curtsey "Greetings Luna." I laugh lightly , she's so cute. "Hello. You can call me Aunty Zi if you like." She nods , "stay close. We'll start training soon." She runs off. "How old is she?" I turn watching her run into the rose bushes. "She's eight. Time flies doesn't it." Smiling I nod , it really does. "She's beautiful. A real heartbreaker she's going to be."


Three months later

Pacing back and forth in the hallway I sighed for the hundredth time in five minutes. I've avoided him and this conversation for three months. How? Easy... I lived out of the palace only appearing to train the kids and with Rose then returned to the woods. Tyler stopped talking to me three days ago , he basically told me to stop with my childish behavior. Sometimes I really question who is the child and who is the parent when talking to him. No one told me but Pierce stopped eating and drinking anything , now he's laying in bed unconscious. I was angry , mostly at my self. Suddenly the door got opened , a weak looking version of my mate opened the door.

"Come in." His once smooth voice now sounded coarse and harsh. Stepping in , I close the door behind me and breathe in his scent. "Almost thought I was never going to be this close to you again." He sat a few feet away from me staring out the window. "I always sit there and watch as you come out the treeline and train with Rose and the kids before going back the same direction." Keeping silent was best for me right now , it was hard enough to be in this room with him in it. To keep myself busy , I started to clean up the room. Vodka bottles and dirty clothes littered around the room. Just as I finished , arms wrapped around me. "I've missed you mate." Pulling from his hand and continuing what I was doing he sighs going back to where he sat staring out the window.

"I'm sorry for everything Zi , from knowing the bond strengthened to everything else up to this point. I really am. Thinking I right to be angry at you and at Rose... Some sense got knocked into me but it was too late." Finally the apology that I needed happened. Tears flowers down my face , the stuffy feeling in my chest got relieved. Dropping to my knees , sobs wrecked through my body. Pierce wrapped his arms around me , placing my head on his chest I cry my frustrations out. Pierce just comforted me , rocking back and forth. "It feels good to hold you in my arms again." Bright blue eyes look down at me , he looked way better than he did when he opened the door. "I love you." He wipes my tears and kisses my forehead. "I love you too."

Yawning , I roll nearly jumping out my skin seeing my mate laying next to me. "You're so beautiful when you sleep" Gold eyes meet blue eyes , "seems like I tired you out." Rolling my eyes I turn and close my eyes. Feeling a slap to my ass a gasp escapes me , "do you know what today is?" Shaking my head he points to the digital clock on the wall near the closet that shows time. "We've been in here for three weeks?! That felt like two days." Hiding my face , my mate chuckles. "I'm not even finished with you yet." My face flushes at his seductive statement. Problem is , I thought the same thing.

Our days went like that , none of us left the room. He fed off of my energy after I drank his blood. Everything left to sex , breathing itself was enough to get going again. A knock woke me from my sleep. "Although I'm very glad that you two have been busy making more nieces and nephews for me but its been five months and my birthday is in three weeks so either you two come out now or I come in and watch you. Zia is very flexible so...." "Rose!!!" I shout and open the door. "Shit , that smells like pure hot sweaty sex. Now I expect both of you naked people bathed and dressed for breakfast in the next twenty minutes or... I watch." Chuckling I shake my head. Her eyes reminded the same black and purple. "Wait?!! You can see?" She squints at me before rolling her eyes. "Twenty minutes Zi." Closing the door and jumping in the bed I sigh. "Let's go shower. You know her , she'll really come in here." Pierce says as he drags me out of the bed.

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