Magicians x And x Dreams

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I couldn't bring myself to have a full conversation with Killua- no scratch that- I couldn't even speak a couple of words to him from how disappointed I was with myself. Usually I would talk out my problems with Gon and then come to an agreement, but with Killua it's different. Besides, it's not like I can just go up to him and say "you're really cute and I kinda wanna smack my face on your face and-" I mentally groaned at my awkwardness.

Another scream erupted from my lungs as I slammed my leg into the punching bag, straining the chains that held it oh so tightly. The people in the gym had nearly cleared from my area by now but I could care less. My body felt so sweaty from working out and concentrating on my aura at the same time. I had been here since about six in the morning... it was two in the afternoon now.

"E-Excuse me ma'am, could you please refrain from breaking our equipment again" one of the employees spoke up finally and I sighed before grabbing a towel and wiping my forehead and neck "no worries I'm leaving" I watched everyone relax in the gym and frowned as I walked out.

Were people really that freaked out over a girl working out? 'Maybe it's because I literally snapped three sets of chains and broke one of their bags...' I nodded in agreement with my own thoughts while walking towards Heaven's Arena.

It had been about a month since Gon and I's match so I expected him to sooner or later show up in my room screaming how he was all better. My ribs had healed up within the week which was expected, but to Killua it was freaky how fast my body completely healed on its own. I felt my stomach twist thinking about how awkward it was every time Killua would talk to me, and he must have noticed because any time we'd be in a room together alone he wouldn't even look my way anymore unless it was to annoy me.

The disgusting stench of the first floor finally hit my nose as the doors opened, welcoming me into the scattered room. I made my way towards the elevator and went up to the 200th floor as usual and made my way towards my room only to get stopped by one of the lady employees.

"Excuse me Ms. Y/n you have a letter" I was taken back for a moment and asked her to repeat herself "You have a letter that was addressed to you" she held out a white envelope with a wax seal and I carefully took it from her.

She walked away to who knows where and I looked down at the letter to see a flower on the seal. I kept walking down the hall and heard two familiar voices ahead of me, so I quickly hid the letter inside of my bag before a head of green and white rounded the corner. Why would I hide a simple letter from the two though? Not like I already read it and know what's in it, so why do I feel guilty for hiding it.

"Yo Y/n! Get ready we got a fight to see" Killua waved some tickets back and forth in his hand and I just smiled "o-okay..." my confidence to talk to him around Gon crumbled as I internally cringed. Why am I so bad at this? "You look like you're constipated" Killua suddenly blurted. My eyes widened as my face lit up like a cherry "shut up baka! I don't look constipated. My face looks like this because I had to see your face" both of their eyes widened as I snatched one of the tickets and stomped off to my room.

"I thought you guys were finally starting to get along too," Gon sighed.


"Hurry up shorty" I puffed my cheeks out in frustration and tried to keep up with Killua as he fast walked down the hallway for no damn reason.

"It would be nice if you maybe slowed down and told us where we were going" my voice was a little more quiet than usual and I knew it was because I was really scared to talk to him, but it was either now or never.

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