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Name: (Y/N) (L/N)

Age: 15

Height: 5'1 (cuz that's my height)

Quirk: Ocean and Dirt
Ocean: She can spit water out of her hands, as well as sea creatures and can breathe underwater for up to 20 minutes. (Y/N) can use up to 2 sea animals at a time. She can use the water in her body as well as water around her.
Drawbacks: Using her sea animals for s long period of time can cause her to pass out. Unless she is standing in water, the more water she uses, the more dehydrated she becomes.
Dirt: She can make anything with dirt such as build walls, create clones and even turn into mud. (Y/N) can also quickly move to another place close by when she turns into mud.
Drawbacks: Her quirk only works if she is standing on dirt. Not very good at long range. If she moves around for a long period of time in her mud form the her stamina will be drained twice as fast.

Personality: (Y/N) is really sweet and shy, and gets really nervous around new people. She is very smart and enjoys reading, sleeping and watching anime rather than going out to a party. (Y/N) is very self-conscious and gullible, but she always puts her friends before herself. In middle school she would always hang out. She has a very powerful quirk. (Y/N) is socially awkward and if you leave her alone with someone she barely knows then it probably won't end very well.
People often make the mistake of thinking that (Y/N) is weak because of the way she acts and talks, whereas she is actually just uncomfortable around new people. Once she's comfortable around people, it's like she's a totally different person.

Childhood friends: Eijiro Kirishima, Mina Ashido (because everyone always does Izuku and Katsuki) and Jaxon Faller

(Y/N) was born in Australia and moved to Japan when she was 8. She gets teased for saying some Japanese words incorrectly and still has a slight accent.

Love interest: Katsuki Bakugou and Shoto Todoroki *starts muttering * yep totally not missing anyone.

Aussie foods

People who take advantage of her
Perverts (Mineta I'm talking about you)
People who ask her to do speak louder
People who doubt her abilities
Being the centre of attention
Those who think she's weak

Smart water (if you get this reference then I love you)
(I'll come up with more later)

A/n: credits to Jammisquad for the quirk ideas and some inspiration. Go check out her books they're really good. Anyways I don't really know where I'm going with this book but quarantine got me like 'hey let's spend all your free time making a book'. If you have any suggestions for what's going to happen feel free.

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