§Wanna bet§

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You wake up to the beeping sound of your alarm. You turn it off and lazily get out of bed. You look at your calendar to see the date. "Holy shit, today's the U.A. entrance exams." You say as you hurriedly get dressed.
You rush downstairs and see your mum has already made you your favourite breakfast. You give her a big hug and start eating.
"Sweetie, once you're finished, Kirishima said he has a surprise for you. He said to meet at his house." You thank your mother and pack your things, ready for the day to begin.

You begin to walk to your best friends house when all of a sudden someone hugs you from behind. You jump, and the person turns you around to face them.
"Chill out (Y/N), it's only me." Said the boy. "God, Eji, you scared me" he rubs the back of his neck. "Sorry, I bought you this though!" He holds out you (F/F) boba. "Aww, your the sweetest. And all is forgiven." You give him a hug and start walking to U.A.

You arrive at the high school and see a bunch of people waiting outside of the exam hall. The two of you took your seats, waiting for the orientation to begin.
The lights start to flicker on, one at a time pointing to a man standing in the middle of the stage while dramatic music played. The pro hero, Present Mic, explained what was going to happen.
Although you were sad that you and Kirishima weren't in the same battle centre, you understood why they would split up the people who knew each other

You were in Battle Centre A, standing outside the door. You scan the other students, trying to find any familiar faces. You notice an angry-looking Pomeranian and tap him on the shoulders.
"What do you wan- wait, (Y/N)?" You give him a half-smile. "N-nice to see you, d-didn't know you were trying out for U-U.A." 'Again with the stuttering?' Bakugou thought.
"Of course. And I'm not 'trying out' for U.A. I know I'm going to be accepted into the best school because I am the best." He said with a bit of irritation in his voice. "S-sorry, I just thought because of the s-sludge incident-"
"Okay, start!" Present Mic says. The crowd look at him weirdly, but you take this as your chance to get ahead. You sprint through the doors and make a puddle of water while the others were distracted. You look behind you to see a very angry Bakugou using his quirk to get over the puddle, while the other students were slipping on the water.
You turn down a street and see a 3 pointer. You make a mud wall and smash it at the villain. Two more come up behind you, another 3 pointer and a 2 pointer. You take them both down easily.

Soon enough you had gotten 86 points.
Most people make the mistake of thinking that you're weak because you're always nervous around others, when in truth it's just because your not comfortable around new people. Once others get to know you, they can't shut you up.
Sometimes you really hate it, such as when you're trying to be intimidating, it just comes out as stutters.

All of a sudden you see the ground shaking and look u behind you, 'The zero pointer'. The robot started tearing apart buildings while the people around you started running. You were about to join them but you saw someone about to be crushed by some of the torn-up building.
You run to them and tackle the person who was about to be crushed. "Run," you say, proud of how confident it sounded. They didn't even hesitate before running with the crowd.
You used your water quirk to make the robot slip, while also making a wall to protect the other students. You took out the zero pointer with ease, just before the time ran out.

Once the exam was over, you bumped into your other bestie, Mina. "(Y/N)! How did you go??" She asked, as enthusiastic as ever. You rub the back of your neck "I got almost 90 points, how about you?"
"Holy shit! That's amazing. I'm not sure how many I got," She shrugs. "but oh well." "Sorry to rush this, but I gotta go meet Kiri." You give her a hug and start walking. After about 10 minutes you decide to text him.

Where you at?
I've been looking for you for like 10 minutes
You know I'm not that patient

🦈 Shark boi 🦈
Had to visit Recovery Girl

Isn't that the nurse?

🦈 Shark boi 🦈

U ok?
R u hurt?

🦈 Shark boi 🦈
Just a couple of cuts from the zero pointer
I'll live
Anyways I'm getting some boba, you want some?

How is that even a question
Ofc I want boba
U know me well enough to know that

🦈 Shark boi 🦈
Haha guess that's true
You want (F/F)?


🦈 Shark boi 🦈
Meet you outside in 5

You put your phone in your pocket and start walking outside, when someone grabs your wrist. You turn to see who it was and stiffen when you see Bakugou. "What do you want, Pomeranian?" Your eyes widen when you realised you said that out loud. "The fuck you just call me Fluttershy?" He said to you, clearly pissed.
"Did I stutter?" You said, not knowing where this burst of confidence came from. "Tch, whatever. I just wanted to say there's no way in hell you are making it into U.A." He release your wrist from his grip and you walk past him.

§ "Wanna bet?" §

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