§Amya Takahashi§

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You locked eyes with your brother. He was now at stage 3 of his quirk. Xander turned to face the villain and got into a fighting stance.
You put your back against the wall, listening to the sound of two people fighting. 'I can't just let him fight on his own' you think to yourself.
'I at least have to help the woman. Hopefully he's distracted enough' You used your mud form to teleport to the other side of the alley, near where the woman was.

§Xander P.O.V§

My heart was racing, I could tell the man was just waiting for the right moment to strike. But I have to do my best. I have to protect (Y/N). Just a few more minutes and I'll be on stage 4, then I can do something other than punching.

I look to where the lady was standing, a knife still to her neck even though the villain had his full attention to me. In the corner of my eye I swear I could see (Y/N). Of course she would disobey my direct order to not get involved. but who am I kidding, so would I.

The villain could see I was distracted, and took this as his opening. Next thing I knew I was on the floor, hand over my left cheek. I took my hand away and could see blood. I quickly got up just to be knocked back down again from behind.

"Pity, I thought this would've been more fun." His cold crazed voice rang in my ears. A cold blade was pressed against my neck. I looked up to see my sister turning back around the corner, this time with the woman.

"What's your name, boy?" The man whispered in my ear.
"As if I'm going to tell you" I said, although you could hear the worried tone in my voice. The man snickered and dug the blades deeper into my neck.

"I'm going to ask you one more time" he said. "What is your name?" With every word he put more pressure on the blade. I finally gave in. "My name is Xander (L/N)."

The pressure of the blade left my neck, but I could he wasn't done with it. "You know, I came here for a simple robbery, but now, I have the son of two pro heroes in my hands." He laughed. "My boss is going to be thrilled." The knife returned to my neck as he tied me up. "Hey, don't you have a sister?".

"Yes, yes he does."

§Normal P.O.V§

The person holding your brother turned around to face you. You could see Xander was mentally scolding you in your peripheral vision, but your eyes didn't leave the villain. "Nice to meet you, I'm (Y/N)." You said taking a step closer to him.

"You're a pretty little one, aren't you?" His words sent a shiver down your spine. "It would be kindly appreciated if you let my dear brother go, see, he's a bit mental in the head and believes he's the son of two pro heroes." You said while smiling sweetly.

The villain looked you up and down. "Sure, I'll let him go. Just come over here and untie him." He said with an insane look in his eyes. You knew what he was planning, you had seen it many times before on tv. As you went to get him, he would either attack you, or try to capture you. The way he was acting, you had your bets on the second one.

Although, to keep your act up you would have to play along. Act defenceless. "Ok!" You said with an innocent smile. In situations like these, you had to ignore your shyness. You allowed for your hand to have some water on it so you could see a reflection in it.

You walked over to your brother, holding out your palm so you could see the man behind you. You started to untie him with one hand. The man behind you was grabbing another rope, he was about to jump on you when you moved out of the way.

"I think you missed, want to try again?" You asked innocently. You made a mud wall and slammed it into the attempted kidnapper. You ran over to your brother and started untying him. "(Y/N), behind you!" He said. You quickly ducked and turned around to see the man throwing a knife where you were just standing.

You shot a water stream at the villain. "I've already called the pro heroes and cops. They'll be here soon." You said as you walked over and crouched next to the man. He seemed to be knocked out. You heard the police sirens approaching, and turned your around to face your brother.

Xander looked up to see you, when a worried look passed over his face. "(Y/N) WATCH OUT!" He shouted, but it was too late. A firm hand was placed around your neck just as the police came around the corner.

"Nobody move, or the girl gets it!" He said while placing a cold knife against your neck. "Let me go creep!" You said while trying to break out of his grasp. He leaned down and whispered in you ear "stop struggling sweetie, I don't want to hurt you" he put emphasis on the last words, putting more pressure on the blade.

You refused to stop fighting, you elbowed him in the stomach. You looked at your brothers concerned face, and at the police trying to contact the pro heroes. "LET ME GO" you screamed louder, as if it would help you.

"I told you to stop struggling pretty little lady" he said. He put something over your mouth, a cloth covered in something. Probably a drug. You  oils feel your body starting to relax as you zoned out, barely making out the police trying shouting at the villain, or your brothers pleads to let you go.

Your body went limp as you blacked out from the drug.

§??? P.O.V§

I watched as the girl drifted into a deep sleep in his arms. I looked at the boy who was just freed from the ropes, and the police who were pointing guns at him. "Now now now, if you let me go then this young lady won't get hurt." He said. His voice was like nails on a chalkboard.

"LET MY SISTER GO YOU BASTARD!" The boy shouted. Nobody had noticed me yet, sneaking up behind the two with a rock. "Hmm let me think. No." He said and laughed manically. I was almost behind him when a policewoman spotted me. I put a finger over my lips telling her to be quiet.

I could tell he was too distracted because he hadn't felt my presence. I lifted the rock over his head and smashed it down, hearing a satisfying thump as he hit the ground. The other boy ran over and caught his sister before he fell on her.

"And THATS for trying to rob me" I said as everyone stared at me in awe. The boy came up to me and gave me a hug. "Thank you for saving my baby sister." He said. I could feel my face going red. "No problem, she saved me first." I said and smiled at him. "I'm Xander by the way, and you are?"

§"Amya Takahashi"§

A/n: I hope you liked this late chapter. Also, Jammi if you're reading this Xander now has a bad boy scar on his cheek. Also shoutout to Justadrain for letting me use her of Amya. She is currently writing a mha fanfic! Once again I am sorry for such a late chapter, I finally got some motivation to write and an idea just popped into my head. Sorry for any spelling mistakes or incorrect wording, I'm writing this late at night 😂

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