§Nice to meet you§

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You saw a crowd gathering around something, curiosity getting the best of you, you pushed your way through to see what it was. You could feel the colour draining from your (S/C) skin, as you took in what was happening. A boy, about your age with ash-blonde hair and a really pissed off expression was struggling to break free from a sludge villain. Out of nowhere you see a boy running into the fight. The policemen start to yell at him as he swings his backpack at the villain. 'He's not going to do anything' you thought to yourself. 'I have to do something' you twirl the ring on your finger that has the initials J.F.

All of a sudden you feel your body move, running to help the other kid. You tried to stop yourself but couldn't, it was like your body had a mind of it's own. You spray water from your hands at the villain, being careful not to overuse your power. "You looked like you were asking for help..." The green haired boy was saying. You saw him clawing at the villain.
"W-what are you doing? That isn't going to stop him." You said. He looked at you, just realising you were there. You turn into mud and move behind the villain, and stab him with a clay knife you made. "Try to get your friend out!l you yell to the other kid as the villain spoke to you.

"Well looky what we have here, a little girl trying to be a hero." He starts to cover you with his sludge, but you manage to escape by going into your mud form. "You're a smart one, aren't you?" 'If I keep him concentrated on me, then maybe the broccoli boy can get his friend out, I just hope he gets what I'm trying to do...'

"H-hey, sludge head!" You say, trying to sound confident, but it coming out more as a whimper. "Is the little hero scared?" The villain put emphasis on the hero, mocking you. You tried not to let him see the fear in your eyes. "You're just a scared little girl, there's nothing you can do to save this boy. His fate has already been decided."
You looked him in the eye, having had a sudden burst of confidence. "You may be right, but that won't stop me from trying." You make a wall and slam it into the villain, being careful as to not hurt the others. All of a sudden you find yourself thrown to the side along with the green-haired boy. "I really am pathetic."
"All Might.." you and the broccoli boi said simultaneously. "Even though I admonished you, I wasn't putting what I said into practice!" The pro started to rip the sludge away from the other kid. "Pros are always risking their lives!" You stared at him in awe, trying to comprehend what he was saying. "All Might." The villain hissed. "Detroit Smash!" His fist collided with the villain and the his other hand grabbed you, the broccoli boi and the spikey boi, while creating a tornado and literally changing the weather.

After the pro's had finished scolding you, and the three of you had been treated by the medic, you were about to leave when you heard an annoyed voice. "Hey, what the fuck we're you thinking?! I could've handled that villain myself without your fucking help." Said the ash-blonde. You were a startled by the sudden rude comment. The boy noticed and smirked. "What, cat got your tongue?" He teased
"A simple thank you would've done, also you didn't look like you were handling it very well. You could barely breathe. If me and that other kid didn't help you, you would probably be dead." you muttered just loud enough for him to hear.
"What did you say to me shit face?! You think your fucking better than me?!" He said glaring at you. "L-look, I'm not looking for a fight Kacchan I jus-"
"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU CALL ME YOU FUCKING SHY NERD?!" he screamed and got some weird looks for the people around you. "T-that's w-what the o-other kid c-called y-you" you said, the words coming out barely a whisper.
"FUCKING DEKU" he said.
The boy took a deep breath in when he saw the fear in your eye. "My name is Bakugou Katsuki, and yours?" "(L/N) (Y/N)." He looked at your hand and noticed you fidgeting with your ring, you quickly look down and put your hands in your pockets.
"I g-gotta go now Bakugou, I hope you feel better and try not to kill that Deku kid." You close eye smile and start to walk home.

~Katsuki Bakugou P.O.V~

I watched as she started walking off, feeling the warmth on my cheeks, silently praying that I would see her again someday. She was so cute when she stuttered. Shit. What am I feeling. No. Ew. Do I like her? Pfft. No, of course not. That's stupid. Liking people is stupid. Plus she just a shitty extra. But then...

(Y/N) (L/N).
THE (Y/N) (L/N)
Hold on. I know that last name. As in the pro hero's Oceanic and Mudfreak. Holy shit. HOLY SHIT. THAT WAS OCEANIC AND MUDFREAKS DAUGHTER. But if she has such famous parents, then why did she seem so scared? Oh well...

§ It was nice to meet you §
A/n: hello, hope you guys are having a good day/night, depending on where you are. Anyways, sorry if this isn't exactly according to the anime, or if it isn't the greatest, I wrote this at 12 am so that explains it. I've also settled on a publishing date, which I will try to do every Thursday Australian time. If you have any questions feel free to ask!

~Bonus scene~
You quietly opened the door, hoping that your parents weren't home. Unfortunately for you, you weren't that lucky. "(Y/N) (M/N) (L/N) WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN YOUNG LADY?!" Your mother yelled at you as you took your shoes off and put your slippers on.
"About that mum..."

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