The Encounter

434 16 65



Min: "WHOA! Dad,don't suprise me like that!😱"

Dad: "whoops,sorry!😅"

Min: "hahaha,thanks dad💖... Honestly,I didn't expect you to remember my birth date😅"

Dad: "hey, I've set 10 reminders for this,so that I won't forget it again😂..... I'm getting old you know😅"

Min: "wow...10😂...i see your effort dad💖"

Dad: "I'd do anything for my son😤"

Min: "yeah,i know that😍.....anyway, what's that piece of paper you were holding?"

Dad: "oh, it's your birthday present!"

Min: "what's that? Looks like some tickets to me🤔"

Dad: "yup!"

Min: "WOW!,me,and mommy gonna go on a trip?!😆"

Dad: "yup! But the destination is secret😆"

Min: "aww,dad,tell me~~🥺"

Dad: "fine.... we're going to Tokyo,Japan😙"

Min: "for real?!😱 I've been waiting for this moment!😆 Finally,Japan,here I come~~~🏃"

Dad: "where are you going to?😶"

Min: "packing my clothes😆"

Dad: "the flight is on Friday night😅
Today is Thursday😂"

Min: "oh😅"

Dad: "we're spending the whole holiday there"

Min: "seriously?!?!?😱"

Dad: "yup,8 days...and we return here on saturday night"

Min: "woah,thanks again dad💖"

Dad: "hehehe,tell mommy I'm the best dad in the world😆"

Min: 😑

Dad: "just joking😂,your mom already know that😎"

Min: 😑

Dad: 😅

Min: 😑

Dad: "oh look at the time,gotta go to work😅"

Min: "well,okay,drive safely dad😆"

Joe(dad) fetch his briefcase and start the car engine.

Dad: "bye sweetheart~"

Min: "dad, I'm a boy...BOY😑"

Dad: "oh,then...bye salty boy"

Min: "what the ffffff"

Dad: "hey,watch your language buddy!"

Min: "hehehe,sorry😅"

Dad: "bye~~~"

Min waves to his dad until the car turned at the corner

Min: "I CAN'T WAIT!😍"



A black figure walks toward the gigantic throne....
Her clothes are black in colour,and have blue wave pattern on her clothes...
Her robe is pure black with turquoise hoodie...

She stopped,knelt,and looked at the one who summoned her earlier...

Blue-robed-entity: "I'm here"

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