Warrior of light

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Inside the spaceship

The invaders are listening to the communication device's last transmission

Kurokage: Grrr....so these earthlings refused to give us their land...such stupidity😌

Gyrion checked the data from pulse reading system in the device...

Gyrion: Sir, vorsord's communication device's pulse readings went 0..... it's most likely that he's...dead...

Kurokage: dead?!?

Gyrion: yes

Kurokage: send agros to attack em!

Mizoul: okay,sir!

Mizoul went to the troop gatherings and brought back agros

Agros: so... it's my turn... I'm off

Gyrion: wait! I think we should attack them all at once

Kurokage: no,attacking puny creatures in a team will damage our reputation as the strongest creatures in the solar system😒

Gyrion: but.....what if we all got defeated like vorsord?😞

Kurokage: no need to worry...vorsord is just a weak pawn... he's the weakest soldier i have,and he have no strong power...just some hunting skill...so no need to worry,just be careful and don't let our guard down...

Agros: okay then.....I'm off😐

Agros went to the forest and feel amazed

Agros: whoaaaa so many types of flora~~~ I want to explore all these beautiful nature... no matter what it takes... I must own this land...

Meanwhile.....kylee still chatting with Min

Kylee:where is your home?

Min: well, actually...bring me to the city...i gotta go buy something

Kylee: okay...and...can i have that Instinct Crystal? I think i have a way to use it😁

Min: hmmm okay,it's useless for me anyway...

Min gave the crystal to Kylee...She put it in her essence extractor device, extracting an essence from it...

Kylee: thanks 😁

Min: you're welcome...but,how did you get here?

Kylee take out a colourless crystal essence in a cylindrical capsule

Min: what is that?

Kylee: It's something that I can't let normal humans know about... especially if they have evil heart... it'll be dangerous...

Min: well, I'm not normal humans anymore😅 i have a mutated martian sleeping inside of me😂
And I'm going to protect Earth with everything i have!

Kylee: ......i guess....i can trust you...

Min: so,what is in that cylinder? and why it is colourless?

Kylee: this is quantum crystal essence.....quantum is abstract,it doesn't resembles any colour... that's why it's colourless😁

Kylee put the small cylinder inside the slot in the center of her bracelet at her right hand...

Kylee: And,someone made this bracelet for me,as a device for channeling the essence's power...

Min: someone?

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