SA.VA.GE fusion 3 (part 1)

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Kurokage's spaceship sickroom

Mizoul stopped Otrova's bleeding using her medical skill

Mizoul: that maniac! What was he thinking?! Sacrificing our own comrade for experiments? Disgusting!

Mizoul go meet kurokage

Mizoul: lord kurokage,Gyrion attacked Otrova and steal his core crystal!

Kurokage: I know, I gave him the permission

Mizoul: why?!!

Kurokage: I'm interested in his experiments...but this time failed though...

Mizoul ran back to the sickroom with doubtful heart

A few minutes after that,Gyrion enters the room

Kurokage: well,you failed again Gyrion...

Gyrion: urgh!.. this time! I will make them suffer! I will only fail if i die this time!

Kurokage: well...whatever,go do your work...this is the last chance...

Gyrion head back to his mini lab,he stand in front of the incubator and stares deeply into the incubator container

Gyrion: how can i defeat him...his fusion power is too strong...wait...yes...

an evil smile etched on his face


EDF HQ (next day)

Midori: hmmm...

Kylee: how was it? Do you think you can combine it back together?

Midori: hmmm... I can't recombine it...but I can copy it's essence...

Kylee: but that's the problem...we can only create essence from perfect crystals...

Midori: I'll go to Light king palace,your g.grandfather's home...maybe I can find something useful there

Kylee: sure, I'll open portal for you

Kylee used quantum crystal power and open up portal

Midori: Thanks,bye~

Kylee: bring back some of Granny Chiyo's takoyaki!


Forest(near kurokage's spaceship)

Lion roars

Gyrion: well well,first specimen comes directly to me...I'm so lucky~

A lion tried to attack Gyrion,but it was lifted up by Gyrion's telekinesis power

Gyrion: King of mammals,captured~


Light king palace

Midori: it's still didn't change at all...

Guards 1: hey you,stop right there!

Midori: huh?

Guard 2: that uniform...EDF member?

Midori: yes, I'm Midori,leader of EDF's intelligence division...

Guard 2: s-sorry Ma'am! He's still new here!

Guard 2 bow down but then stand back up and hit guard 1 on the head

Guard 2: apologize you stupid!

Midori: stop stop! It's okay...hahaha

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