Chapter 1 {Moving In}

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We start off in a small town far away from a well-known place called Kimetsu City. It's about 7:25 in the morning, December 2nd.
A young boy and his family are packing up their things to move into this well-known city to live for who knows how long.
Kie: "Tanjiro! Nezuko!" She had no response. "Sigh, Shigeru, could you please go upstairs and ask Tanjiro and Nezuko if their done packing their stuff ? We're almost ready to leave" Shigeru responded quickly with a salute and a "yes ma'am!" and then proceeded to hop over some boxes and then run up the stairs.

Shigeru: "phew, I really, shouldn't have ran..." catches his breath and makes his way over to Tanjiro's room which he then knocks on his door. "Oiiii, Nii-Chan, are you done packing your st-" he was cut off by a loud crash and screams coming from Tanjiro's room. Shocked by this, Shigeru decided to slam the door open frantically. "Nii-Chan are you okay!?!"

As he opened the door, all that he could see was a bunch of boxes and clothing scrabbled across the room and only a few of these things are over Tanjiro, who is lying on the ground looking at the mess with a crooked smile. "Nii-Chan!" Shigeru ran over to Tanjiro to see if he was okay, and thankfully he was. "Oh h-hey there Shigeru, uh, yeah I'm okay, thanks for asking". Tanjiro replied and still with his crooked smile. "What happened in here, it's a mess!" Shigeru blurted out looking at the room around him. Tanjiro chuckled awkwardly "well, long story short...."

Flashback to about 3 minutes ago

Tanjiro: "ah jeez, how did that manage to even get up there..." he says as he looked up at the top of his wardrobe seeing his phone slightly hanging off of the edge. Tanjiro tried countless times trying to reach and jump up to the the top of the wardrobe to reach his phone but it never worked. He then came up with the idea to use some boxes he packed stuff into as a way to gain some height in able to reach it better. This idea ended up working pretty well, "aha! I got you!" Tanjiro says as applauds himself on top of the boxes, he then hears a knock on the door and a voice that sounds like his younger brother Shigeru.
"Oh, everyone might be ready to leave already." He said happily, but shockingly it was just a second of peace that Tanjiro had before his total 'L'. Every box below him began to crumble down onto the ground and they all took Tanjiro down with them, "WYAAAA!!!" Was the only word that came out of Tanjiro's voice for about 0.5 seconds of him falling to the ground. Mostly everything that was inside of each box began flying out and this was only because Tanjiro used paper tape instead of box tape like everyone else.

And now we're back to the present Ladies and Gentlemen

"Yeah, so that's what happened..." Tanjiro explained. "Wh- why was your phone actually up there in the first place...? "Shigeru questioned with black face, "Like I said before, I have no clue." Tanjiro answered. "anyways I should start packing these things quick before mom gets angry." Tanjiro said as he stood up and walked over to some clothes on the ground.

Shigeru: "eh ? W-Wait, lemme help!" Shigeru picked up some clothes and proceeded to fold them and place the gently into a box.

Tanjiro: "ah, thanks a lot Shigeru!" Tanjiro said with a heart warming smile.

After a few minutes of finally packing up Tanjiro's clothes and other stuff into some boxes and his suitcase, they we're both finished and began to head downstairs with the rest of their family. The vehicle they had to drive in was an suv so they had mostly everyone's stuff in the trunk of the car and the rest were in some of their laps or on the floor of the car.
The seating was nice, Kie at the driver's seat, Tanjiro in the passenger seat, Nezuko, Shigeru and Takeo in the middle seats and then Hanako and Rokuta in the back seats. They had a 2 and half long trip from their town to Kimetsu City. After a whole lot of gas stops, snoring and snack eating they finally made it into Kimetsu City, their new home.

Kie: "haha, Tanjiro your face is priceless!" Kie started laughing at the face Tanjiro made when they drove further into the city

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Kie: "haha, Tanjiro your face is priceless!" Kie started laughing at the face Tanjiro made when they drove further into the city. Everyone was looking out throw the windows to see the buildings, shops and lights. Well, everyone except for Nezuko, she was too busy sleeping while somehow still biting down onto French bread. Tanjiro's family runs a bakery that makes great tasting bread, so Tanjiro makes nice bread for Nezuko since she doesn't know how to make bread as good as him.

Hanako: "ahhhhh, look at that one Rukuta!" Hanako points through the window at a building with bunch of decorations on it. "Oooooh, look at that one Onee-Chan! Look! Look!" Rukuta pointed over at people singing carols on the street. "Well this is going to be our new home from now on, so you better get used to it" Kie assured them. "I can't wait to see what our house is gonna be like! I bet it's gonna be huge! Right Takeo ??!" Shigeru blurted out as he always does, "quit jinxing things Shigeru! But yeah, I hope it is." Takeo responded.

After a lot more of 'ouuuuus' and 'ahhhhhs'. We finally arrive at the new and improved Kamado residence. They parked the suv, hopped out, woke up Nezuko, took their boxes and other stuff out of the car and into their new home. Picking and staying in new rooms, unpacking clothing, accessories and others, decorating their rooms, brushing their teeth and climbing and jumping onto their beds to then drift their way off to sleep.

Author's note!

Thanks for reading this part of this story! ...if you didn't just scroll all the way down... 😂 but thanks anyways.

Next Chapter: {Familiar Faces}

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