Minor spoilers for the Mugen Train Movie...
Kimetsu Academy: The Dojo
11:20 a.m
Rengoku: "hmmmm...."
Tanjiro: "hmmmm...."
Inosuke: "hmmmm...."
Zenitsu: "hm- hmmmm..."
They all sat down next to one another, staring at each other in the eyes. Rengoku staring into Tanjiro's while Inosuke, wearing his boar mask, stared into Zenitsu's. A table beside them had a timer on it, saying that it's been twenty minutes since they started.
Inosuke: "HMMMMMMMM!!!!!!" He crossed his arms and growled as steam came from the nose of his boar mask.
Zenitsu: "Wh- hmmm?"
Inosuke: "HMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he stepped closer to Zenitsu and got all up in his face.
Zenitsu: "..I-Inosuke?" He backed up, with a look of concern on his face. Tanjiro and Rengoku ignored a kept staring at one another.
Inosuke: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He threw his hands in the air and started running at Zenitsu.
Zenitsu: "EEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!" He screamed and ran away, closing his eyes and beginning to cry as he did.
Zenitsu: "Wh- huh?" he asked, wiping the tears from his eyes.
Inosuke: "You blinked!! That means I! The great Inosuke WON!! HAHAHAHAA!!!"
Zenitsu: "Aw-! well- That's not fair! You had that stupid thing on your head the whole time!! That's cheating! Right, Mr. Rengoku?"
Rengoku: "What you start with, you end with." He stated, still staring into Tanjiro's eyes as the timer ticked.
Zenitsu: "...what does that even mean?" He whispered to Inosuke who just shrugged.
Tanjiro's eyes had become red from straining his eyes, Rengoku looked the same way since they started.
Tanjiro: "Crap... I have to blink... I can't keep my eyes open for much longer." He thought to himself, his eyes twitching repeatedly as he did. Glitter began to form around Rengoku's head, blinding Tanjiro and making him close his eyes in the process.
Rengoku: "Aha! Victory is mine!"
Tanjiro: "Wh- What was that?"
Zenitsu: "Oh, sorry Tanjiro. I just thought the room needed some more light." He apologized opening another blind mid-sentence.
Tanjiro: "Oh... alright then." He rubbed his eyes.
Inosuke: "Hehehehaha!! Genkoku! That was great!! Do a staring contest with me next!!!"
Rengoku: "Hm. Sorry, I can't right now. The bell for your class is going to ring soon! So go eat your lunch as quickly as you can, also, My name is Rengoku!" He stated all with a smile on his face.
Kimetsu Academy! | A Tanjiro x Kanao Story
FanfictionTanjiro and his family move into their new home of Kimetsu City. Starting a new chapter on their lives comes with new friends, new adventures, and most importantly (for the stories' sake), NEW SCHOOL! Kimetsu Academy is a story driven with comedy, d...