Fîrst Stêp 🖤

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"We should leave" Princess Anika whispered , she covers Rudra's face under her duppata and patted his back lightly , King Shivay took her complete appearance for the first time in past six hour and frowned , he gritted his teeth angrily and before she can stand he held her arm tightly and pulled her towards himself "what the hell are you wearing?" He asked roughly and her soft eyes darkened in anger , she jerked his hand suddenly and in result his grip lossened on her arms , She placed Rudra carefully on swing beside her and turned back towards King Shivay who was staring her with pure anger .

"Isn't your kingdom's maid suppose to wear this clothes my King ? Or there is another dress code for King's personal maid" she replied and he glared her angrily before pulling her body against his chest , he stood up from his place and held her in tight grip .

"Who gave you this Princess?" princess Anika didn't fail to notice the storm behind his emotionless eyes , she continued staring in his eyes for a minute before shrugging her shoulder.

"NO one" She replied and King Shivay rolled his eyes "I don't believe you" he said staring deep in her eyes and all he found blank ,there wasn't any trance of the princess who slept in his arm before six hours.

"I don't remember telling you to believe me " She retorted and he huffed a large amount of breathe seeing her stubbornness .

"Tell me" he asked softly , his free hand cupped her cheeks and he stare in her eyes , Shiver went down in her spine as she stare in his blue oceanic eyes full of unknown emotion but that unknown emotion provide her an unknown comfort , she tored her gaze away and whispered "I don't want to".

"Fine, your wish" he surrendered at front of his stubbornness and pulled himself away from her , She shivered when cold air hitted her body and stared his face for few seconds but he didn't gave her a single glance and start moving away from there .

"Did you came here with your horse?" Princess Anika asked and King Shivay passed her "I_am_not_going_to_reply" look making her sigh in irritation . "I asked because if you came by walk then you can join us My King" She taunted with a smirk as she noticed him getting angry on mention of My King "Desperate much" King Shivay hided his emotions and passed his all time heartless smirk towards princess who shrugged nevertheless "Noo responsible much towards the kingdom I am serving My King" Shivay sighed irritatingly and gave her "You_are_impossible" look and start walking once again "You can join us My King" she once again taunted with her all tym smirk and he shrugged before caressing bazi's face , feeling care and affection on Shivay's touch , Bazi leaned on his palm making him smile , Princess Anika picked little Rudra and climbed on Bazi carefully  after them King Shivay climbed on Bazi and wrapped his on arm around Princess Anika's waist , he placed his face on junction of his neck and Shoulder and held leather belt which was tied around bazi's mouth and start riding, his breathe brushed against her shoulder making her shiver in his arms ,he didn't noticed his position untill he tried to speak something and his lips brushed against her shoulder , their eyes widened and he quickly pulled his face away , no words were exchanged in whole journey apart from wild air their erratic heartbeat were heard and Rudra's soft snores.

They soon reached palace and hopped off from Bazi , Anika opened belt around Bazi's mouth and left her for gazing after patting him lovingly ,
"How great they are looking together" Mala whispered as she and Sara witnessed the scene of trio together "They will be best King and Queen of Jhanshi , It's their first step towards a successful relationship and I am feeling it in my heart that they will be in love with no time" Mala ranted and Sara rolled her eyes before clapping her palm against Mala's head "I wish too but before that you learn to speak slowly" Sara said before heading towards Princess Anika and King Shivay .

"And here came prime minister of Queen Anika" King Shivay taunted with a smirk which went heard by  Princess Anika who gave a mean look in response .

"It's maid Anika my King" She smirked on his pale reaction and raised his brows .

"You , it's my order to make princess ready in her royal cloths and if anyone I repeat anyone whether he or she is a royal person tell her to get in these cloths again you are free to come to me and complain against that person" he ordered Sara using his King's aura and Sara shivered on his cold deadly voice "And if I will see princess in this cloths after this hour then you will be punished" he pointed towards Sara and smirked towards Anika before leaving and heading towards his chamber with little Rudra in his arm .

"You want me to get kill or what Princess and I don't understand why this beast King is behind me ,what I did ? Ohh God ! please change this cloth soon I don't want to get Punish" Sara blabbered and jumped up and down in panick .

"Sara calm down" Anika placed her arm on Sara shoulder but Sara was no where near to calm , and Anika finally changed herself back in royal cloths for the sake on her only close friend .

"Princess Anika" Minister Abhraam bowed at front of Princess and when he raised his head up , his eyes get stuck on the natural beauty behind Princess Anika who was drying her wet hairs and murmuring a beautiful song , he gulped before concentrating back on his task "King Shivay called you in War idea preparation chamber for your advice " Anika's eyes widened ,this was unexpected , she never expected this from arrogant and egoistic King like him and a part of her heart softened on this huge respect from his side , She stood on her place and signed Abhraam to show way , Abhraam stare Sara for one more minute and their eyes met , his gaze made her shiver , Sara stared him back and seeing the exchange Anika faked a cough breaking their trance "Sara , you can visit garden in evening" Anika smirked on her friend red face who quickly nodded negatively "No need princess , Thank you" Sara responded and look away .

Abhraam's smile faded and he showed princess the way to war preparation chamber as they neared the door they listen arguments

"A woman can't give idea in matter of war my King" Shivay's one of Minister opposed .

"Our army will feel shame on listening a woman" Another minister opposed "And if she would be that much great in it then she wouldn't been here as a war Prize"

"HOW DARE YOU"  King Shivay roared and in a second the minister was on floor with bleeding nose .



Sorry for the delay , there is lots of thing going  around me now days .

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