Princess of Madhavgarh 🖤

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Queen Padma will be punished but not in the chapter ❤️

Princess Anika got her sense back in mid of her journey and Sara jumped up and down with joy and informed King and Queen , King Aaditya happiness was no bound he hugged his daughter and expressed his grief about how sorry he is about every single thing she Suffered from Childhood , Princess Anika smiled with tears and hugged her father for first time since she get senses , Queen Kala too talked with Princess without any trance of guilt , She told her how much she is proud of on her Up bringing , teaching and daughter .

It was third day of there journey and their stop was direct Madhavgarh , when Queen Kala came to Anika with paste in her hand

"We will reach Madhavgarh soon My daughter and I want you to apply the paste" She ordered and Princess Anika who was already burning in anger because of King Shivay deeds send a dangerous glare to her mother before taking the bowl from her hand and threw out from carriage shocking Queen Kala and her maid Sara .

"You get your revenge Mother , i completed the task of my birth and now I will only decide what i want to be , it's mine right and No one else can interfere in it and  If you don't want people of Madhavgarh to know then I request you to stop this carriage here and drop me here only" Her response sent Queen Kala off gaurd , her eyes teared up with  angry tears .

"I am your mother and just because of me you own this beauty , this pride and the tag of warrior , Don't you dare to disrespect me and decline my order" Queen kala yelled and princess Anika stare straight in her mother eyes .

"you are my mother and just because of that I was disowned from every royal person except Pita Maharaj , no one showed love for me , i was not allowed to play , I was not allowed to talk , the only thing you always teached me was being heartless and mean mother , Because of your deeds I am here on the way of Madhavgarh because King of Jhanshi abandoned me because of a truth you hided from years and the beauty didn't help to stop him from doing that and rejecting me" Her eyes were filled with angry tears as She jumped out from carriage in anger without caring about her injuries , Sara screamed in horror and that's when the Carriage handler stopped carriage in mid 

Injury of Princess Anika faded in a week after her arrival in Madhavgarh , No words were exchanged between Queen Kala and princess Anika , The talk of Anika's beauty  and kala's beauty secret spread like a fire and Every single person of kingdom was hell shocked , Other wives of King Aaditya including Highness of Kingdom was hell Shocked from it too .


Shivay ordered a temporary lock up for Padma's punîshment before another hearing session , he felt tired and broken , Many scenarios and thoughts crossed his mind and at the end he decided a temporary punishment before he decide the actual and deserving punishment of Queen Padma , the pain and longing of her eyes were true , he can't be mistaken when he observed her hand clutching her stomach thinking about his niece or nephew who was killed by there own father .

Once again everything in Jhanshi start settling down , It took some time for King Shivay to get situation in hand , the punîshment of Suraam setted an example of consequences to everyone .

Prince Rudra once again start talking , jumping and giggling , his melodious laugh and pure innocence was reason which kept Shivay sane , there wasn't any news from Madhavgarh about Princess Anika , It's been many times in past two week when King Shivay decided to leave everything and go Madhavgarh to bring his Queen back but everytime he was stopped by one or another thing related to kingdom work .

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