|A place close to heart -2|

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I want you all to give  your reviews on till now plot , there is 10 more shots left before this journey will come to an end too , So if you want you can give your reviews on this plot ❤️

There is nothing much in today's plot , just little bit past confession and I kept a base for upcoming War ..

Happy Reading ❤️

"King Shivay , we should go back" Princess Anika whispered in low voice as she parted herself away from him and stare the still water of pond.

"Don't you have something to tell Princess , I just want to talk" King Shivay asked and Anika sighed , she clutched her duppata tightly in her fist and went in deep dawn of memory , her gaze moved from water to him and she stared him for minutes before tearing her gaze and focussing back on the water .

"My mother was happy with her family in Kuraam and one day a king of another kingdom attacked on Kuraam with thousands of army man , The war took place all of sudden and My grandparents didn't get enough time to prepare themselves and fight back , My grandfather was killed by them and My grandmother and aunt was held captured by that King anyhow my mother ran away from there and landed in  Madhavgarh , One day my father disguised himself as a common man and came out from his palace to know about condition of his kingdom , they met and fell in love , My father married my mother everything was normal but everyone was unaware about the burning fire of revenge in my mother's heart" She took a pause and blinked twice for clearing the blur image of water and inhaled large amount of breathe before continuing once again

"After few year I was born , At age of four when other Princess played with doll and other toys , I held sword , when other learned how to cut Vegetables, I learned how to cut a person in pieces , when other learned how to make themself beautiful , I learned how to ruin someone beauty" King Shivay's gaze were fixed on her , pain was radiating from her body , warm tears were pooling in corner of her eyes and she seemed lost , his heart clenched in painfull ways and he continued staring her without blinking once .

"My mother made me learn one thing from childhood and that was the motive of my birth which is none other than "Destruction of Kuraam" , The reason of my birth is Kuraam only and I will not hesitate if I have to give my life in exchange of Kuraam " Her agony , pain and anger everything was evident in her words , Shivay resisted his urge to pull her in his arm and held her close to his heart .

"I listened taunts from childhood because my mother choosed me to be ugly " She said but King Shivay was just too much lost and distracted to notice each and every word " The profit of being ugly is you can't be reason of anyone distraction because there is nothing in me to distract anyone , I always shutted mouth of everyone by using my ugliness as a support , there is so much in me King Shivay and everything can't be express in words.. I .... I " She start shuttering in nervousness as she thought it's a good chance to disclose her secret but it was his sudden pull and loving caresses on her back which shutted her mouth , she sighed in failure and pressed her head against his chest as his soft caresses provided her comfort .

"It's not only your motive now Princess , now it's motive of my life too , Soon we will rule Kuraam too and as many kingdom you want" her heart beated in uneven sycn , Anika held his kurta in her palm and he kept caressing her hairs , she slowly drifted in slumber and he held her more tightly to the place close to his heart , Few more minutes passed Anika start snoring softly and King Shivay stare her face , reading every single detail of her face , he readed her big beautiful eyes and her long eyelashes , his gaze travelled down from her eyes to her button nose and rose petals shaped lips , her face shined under light of moonlight and he felt an urge in his heart to love her , protect her , pamper her but before that he felt an urge to gift her Kuraam , he felt anger rising in him as he recalled her sad face and lost eyes when she told him everything but soon his anger faded when he felt her nuzzling in his chest .

King Shivay got on his feet and picked Princess Anika in arms and start moving back towards palace , After walking 45 minutes and more , he finally reached till her chamber .

Abhraam whispered something in Sara's ear and her cheeks reddened in shyness , She blushed and start moving away but was held by Abhraam "Should I wait tomorrow ?" He asked and Sara wiggled in his grip , she didn't reply and kept wiggling .

"Just reply him only if you don't want to stay in arm of My Minister " their eyes widened and it didn't take them a second to broke apart , there was a guilty and confident look on Abhraam's face ,he bowed down in respect and elbowed Sara who did same , Shivay nodded in acknowledgement before getting inside of Anika's chamber with her in arms .

"What will King Shivay think about me?" Sara cried in fear , Abhraam took hold of her palm "Nothing , he is same like tortoise , hard from outside and soft from inside " .


Two days went in blink , Anika didn't leave a single stone unturned in preparation of war against Kuraam , Each and Every important member of kingdom including King Shivay himself  seemed to impress by her way of thinking and knowledge in matter of war , She explained traps to direct trap King without hurting and killing many troops

"We have 10 tope and they have 6 so it's also our plus point , The man and troops who are good Archers , they will be behind stones or trees to work as a backup of each and every troop and leader" She said and All minister nodded in affirmation " All we have to do is form a circular , rectangular and triangular shapes from troops once King of Kuraam will get in mid of war field , we have to trap him slowly and not to forget that the face of last row should be on other side for protection , their work will have to save the one inside the figure from getting hit" Princess Anika drawed a big figure on White sheet and pointed every small thing before explaining it ..

After her turn it was King Shivay's turn to explain about the backup idea of war "we all know that there is possibility of us loosing the war too so if anyhow in any circumstances we felt things going out of our hands , we will go with plan B , Our 300 of man will climb on Kuraam from backside without being in notice , and Our 200 man will secretly enter in palace during war , if any time we felt danger increasing we will trap King of Kuraam in disguise of his army " he explained and all minister nodded "now you all can leave , Tomorrow is the day" he said with his cold hearted smile and All minister nodded , they bowed in respect and left planning chamber leaving them alone .

"You did great job" his words made her smile and she again felt same jingles she was feeling from past two days whenever King Shivay come around .

"Thank you King Shivay , I believe we will win" She whispered and he nodded wrapping his hands around her shoulder and turning her towards him to face him "We will" he said with too much confidence that it bought a sense of positivity in Anika's heart .


(How many of you want me to explain war too , there will be few traps and fighting scene in it and I will try to add Shivika blossoming love story too, Do you want me to escape war scenes or not?)

I think 10 more shots are left before I complete my journey of "the hidden  beauty" too .

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