Chapter 1

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        "Some look for trouble while others don't."

I would say my life is pretty mediocre if you take out the dashes of chaos that I like to add here and there.

I wake up, make sure to inform my parents that I'm still alive. Brush my teeth, get a walking outfit on, then put my  outfit that I'll actually wear for school in my book bag. Wrinkles be damned. Then I grab something from my pantry to snack on while walking and during class, and viola! Chastity Wilson is out the door and marching on.

I have a good life if I do say so myself.

Or least I did before third period.

We had a sub who keep sending raggamuffin children out of the classroom, so I had to be extra careful when I snuck a chip in my mouth. There was one more period until lunch but the only thing I had today was 2 cookies and I already burnt that off by walking.

My best friend, Sabrina, and I were terrorizing innocent children when the ugly Mother Gothel hag said,

"Listen up brats, your teacher just emailed me to say that you have a book report you must do and it is due at the end of the month."

A collection of groans filled the classroom as she spoke the words of sin.

"Quiet!" She scrunched up her face that made her uglier than before.

"Now, as I was saying, you get to work with another person and since this class is an odd number so, someone will be misfortunate enough to work with two people."

I looked around the classroom to see who me and Sabrina could work with. Hmmmm. Definitely not Chase, he hates us the core. Maybe Sofia. She's pretty nice. Oh I know! Em-

"Oh, there seems to have been a misunderstanding." The evil bitch grinned like she just rose out of hell, which she probably did.

"I  get to choose your partners."

Everybody roared with protest. Me, I wasn't so worried. Everyone here loved me. Except for Chase. Okay maybe Brent, May, Aaron and some others I forgot the name of.

As Mother Gothel paired innocents and ruffians together as I waited for my name. 

"Chastity Wilson and Rose Montgomery." My heart skipped a beat as Rose's eyes met with mine.

Rose Montgomery. 

She wasn't "popular" per say. It depends how you define popular. 

Anyway, she was just one of those people everyone knew.

And in case you're wondering, she not a ho.

At least, I don't think so. As long as she's a straight one, it's fine by me.

I heard she was a total bitch from strangers, but from her friends she was a sassy lady. 

Yes, some of her friends are two timing backstabbers. 

Sabrina was paired with Chase, and Sabrina was the only one who looked happy about. I would have to remind her at lunch to go easy on him. He is was we call, a Delicate.

At the end class, when i desperately tried to avoid Rose, she approached me.

"Hey, Chastity Wilson right?" She  said with a big smile.

 I scoffed and crossed my arms doing my best to look disgusted.

"Um no. It's Barbeesha Raktomala." 

To my surprise,  she laughed a little. 

"No it's not," I raised my eyebrows. Who was she to tell me what my fake name  was?

"You may have little tint in your skin, but this town is not that ghetto." She said and I even heard some sass in her statement.

How dare she sass me? Kids today have no respect for the elders. Wait, I'm not an elder. 

Or am I?

I was determined to convince her otherwise but she said, 

"I think we get to know each other a little better, Barbie." 

I blinked.

"What's your next period?" This girl is bipolar.

But I like bipolar.

"Um, math." 

"Mr. Lynos or Mrs. Shay, or Ms. Piggy?"

Ms. Piggy? Dafaq?

"Mrs. Shay. Who is Ms. Piggy?" 

She ignored my question. That's okay, most people do that. 

"Cool, cool. I have art with Ms. Rothschild. Wait for me at the door of your class and I'll come get you so we can have lunch together."

"Okay?" I was seriously confused now.

Rose smiled and nodded her head, then she turned to walk away.

She was a 5 feet away from me when she said over her shoulder,

"Call me La'tice, Barbeesha."

 I stood there like an idiot wondering what the hell just happened. Little did i know, that was the start of a whole lot of crazy shit that would soon happen later on.

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