Chapter 3

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Later, during dinner with my parents my mind was bugging me about ghosting my friends without warning. I felt so guilty. I still do, to this day. Maybe, if I hadn't done that, things would have turned out different.

Maybe Sabrina would still be just Sabrina, and not- 

What am I doing? No, spoilers! 

"How was school Chastity?" My father asked when the whole family finally settled at their respective dinner table seats.

"It was very mind expanding, thank you for asking." My dad nodded his head and did the same thing with my brothers and sister.

"How was your day, Daddy?" My dear, innocent, and naive baby sister said as I fought to keep a straight face. See what I go through everyday? 

My dad perked up anyway. "Oh, you know same as always. Sinners thinking they have a second chance." Oh, yeah, i forgot to mention,

My dad's a priest.

 He's one of the favorites in this town. My mom,  she just volunteers for animals and other goodwill stuff. To be honest, I think she just goes to lunch and  with her friends half the time.

"The things you hear when you sit at  the confessional! Just despicable!" Great going Elizabeth, now Dad's on a roll.

My dad ranted on on the wrongs of the world and how someone people should have a back round check on them before they step on the steps to the church and, blah blah blah.

My poor, poor, mother was drinking her wine three swings a time. While me and the two air heads I have for brothers, just sat there poking at the chicken parmesan that was in front of us.

When my dad seemed to have calmed down for a drink, I took this moment to talk. But unfortunately Elijah beat me to it.

 "Mom, Dad. There something I need to tell you." 

My mom and dad looked at each other, then nodded their heads for him to continue. 

He looked nervous and slightly pale. Oh, God. Was he coming out as gay? I always thought Ezra was the gay one.

"I have a girlfriend." He said in a high pitched voice.

Everyone was shocked, including me.

Who would have ever thought that, Elijah, a dorky, sassy asshat of a brother would be the first of us kids to have a relationship?

"We only started going out five weeks ago, and I didn't know if was gonna work out so that's why I didn't tell you guys sooner. Honest."

My mother smiled wide before taking another swig of wine and  that's when I started to get concerned. That was what her third cup of the night?

My dad cleared his throat and then turned his attention to my other brother, Ezra. 

"Did you know, about this?" He asked his voice mundane.

Ezra seemed to be stuck, because his voice shook when he finally spoke.

"I-I only found out three d-days ago." He cleared his throat, "Sir." 

My father took a deep breath. "But, you still knew?" My fathers voice was rising slowly.

"I knew it wasn't my place, and he made me promise not t-tell and he said he wanted to be a man and tell you himself and-" 

"Oh, cut the bullshit Ezra." I almost flinched out of my seat. Dad only curses when he's really bothered.

He turned back to Elijah. "I want to meet this girl, see if she's worthy of being apart of the Wilson family." Elijah sat a little straighter and spoke clearer.

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