Chapter 2

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I waited by the math door like Rose told me to do.

Why, you may ask? I'm still asking myself the same question to this day.

But if I hadn't, I probably wouldn't be sitting here in the Star telling this story for the youngins that come after me.

But, on with it. No spoilers here!

I stood there, feeling like an idiot standing around while everyone for B lunch bustled around me. 

5 minutes later when I was about to leave, Rose showed up with a big smile on her face. Why was she always smiling? Didn't those high cheekbones hurt? Or was she immune to pain like an alien or something?

"Hey, sorry I'm, late." She was slightly out of breath. "How many staircases does a school need?" This time I smiled. "Enough to keep girls and boys slim thick for the teachers, now can we go to lunch I have starving since first period."

She slumped down on the wall. "Yeah we can go just, give me sec to catch my breath." Then she looked directly at me with amusement. "First period? Really? Don't you eat breakfast?"

"I had like three cookies this morning. But I walked to school so I burnt it off." 

Rose shook her head like eating 3 cookies at 7 in the morning is the most bizarre thing she's heard all her life.

She out stretched  her arms toward me. "Help me up?" I grasped both her forearms.

"Ready? One, two, HEAVE." I pulled her up and we were face to face now. We stood like that for a fraction of a second before I started walking.

"So who do you usually sit with?" Rose asked me after more silence.

"People who are, let's say, not Johnson High material." Rose furrowed her brow at me. "What do you mean?"

"I think you know exactly what I mean Rose Montgomery." I opened the door to the cafeteria, where hoodlums and innocents combined.

"So do you wanna ghost your friends and come sit with me or do you want me to sit with your friends and ghost mine?" I turned to ask Rose but she was already making her way to her table, and once again, I stood frozen like an idiot.

Rose exchanged a few words with her friends then turned backed to me and beckoned me with a finger.

I glanced at Sabrina, Elliot and Olivia who were laughing and happy and I felt my heart pang with sadness. Looks like they don't need me after all. I looked back at Rose who now looked at me like, well are you coming or not?

Without a second thought, I made my way towards Rose who, once again smiled wide.

I sat in a spot I guess was reserved for me. How flattering.

"Sarah, Belle, Charlotte, James, Ava, Henry, Luna, Issac, meet Chastity Wilson." Rose introduced me as if I couldn't do that myself. I wouldn't even remember all the those names.

I know, selfish.

"Um, hi." I said to the rainbow of iris colors that were staring at me. Then out of nowhere, a girl with black hair smiled at me. She looked like a Charlotte. 

"I know, you!" She sounded proud of herself. "Your in my P.E. class! I've seen around in the locker rooms and the gym with the that other girl, um, that girl-"  "Jade." I finished for her and she had the nerve to smile wider.

"Right. Jade. I'm Belle, like the princess from Beauty and the Beast." Oh, brother I said inside my head. Then everyone expect Ava, James and Charlotte seemed to remember me.

Henry and Isaac were in my AP U.S. History  class.  Charlotte and I had calculus together. Ava was in my chemistry, but pretended no to remember me. Luna said she also had P.E. with me. 

"What brings you here Chass?" James asked me. Chass? . "Rose, she's my partner for the book report we have in English. And please, call me Chastity." I made sure to keep my face expressionless but still friendly. 

"Ignore him, he tries to give everyone nicknames. The first time I met him he called me Lulu. But I shut that down real quick." Luna said with a smirk on her lips.

"You didn't shut it down last night." James snickered and the boys at the table high five'd each other. I looked back at Rose who had a small smile resting on her lips.

"You okay?" I asked. She looked at me and for the first time I didn't see her as a popular girl who knew everyone and was always smiling, but as a girl who just wants to, I don't know, help?

"Better than okay." She threw her arm around my shoulders. "Chastity I think this it the start to a beautiful and adventurous friendship." At the moment I just took this as a saying, not knowing how much truth there was to it. But, at the time believed the beautiful part. 

I gave her a smile back.

"Me too, Rose Montgomery, me too."

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