Chapter 10: Fighting Fire with Fire

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I hated fighting witches. With every shot of water, they would turn it to ice, and with every flame, they'd douse it with a large rush of air. Circe was still unconscious against the far wall and I hoped she would awaken soon. I shot a ball of ice at Sister Gwen's feet, and before she could think to free herself I hit her with a shot of air to the head, knocking her unconscious. Nora fought beside me, the face was red and angry, I expected mine not to look much different. Sister Lucy had decided to fight alongside our side as well, yet her young age didn't seem to pose as much of a problem as I thought it might've, and I was surprised to see Sister Emily laying before her. I scanned the room for Sister Cassandra when the fight broke out I lost sight of her, but as I turned my attention back to the center of the room I made eye contact with her twin compatriots. Sister Linda and Sister Annabelle. Simultaneously their blood-red eyes locked onto mine and I took a deep inhale as they made their way towards me. I whispered a quick incantation and I commanded the vines from far below to rise above the surface. The vines rose and rose until they were double my height, and I controlled them to swipe and grab at the two of them. Linda conjured a metal scythe and sliced at the vines, while Sister Annabelle was caught between them and I commanded them to encircle and crush her. Sister Linda swung the scythe and attempted to set her sister free, yet I grasped her in the vines as well. I clenched my fists in time with the vines and crushed the two of them until Sister Annabelle began to lose consciousness. Before I could do any more damage I felt an immense pain arise in my heart and I collapsed onto the ground, the vines immediately released the twins and returned to the ground from which they came. The pain spread to my throat, and then to my brain, as I grabbed my head in my hands and began to scream. The never-ending pain seared through my every thought, it made my heart race and it was as if I could feel every inch of my body pulse in fear. I opened my eyes to see the twins standing over me, Sister Annabelle had clearly regained consciousness and was now holding a shiny longsword in her hands. Just before she could make the swing, Sister Nora sent a wave of ice towards her and froze her in place. Sister Linda screamed and whirled on her within seconds, yet the pain had seized and I snapped my fingers to shoot a fireball at her turned back. She screamed in agony and collapsed, I rose into a crouch and nodded to Sister Nora who gave me a feeble smile. I raced over to Circe, it was time she joined the fight. I let my hands float just above her face and tried to concentrate my energy, but the searing pain rushed through me once more. I let out a blood-curdling scream and clutched my head in my hands. I tried to stand but I fell against the wall, I cracked my eyes open to see Sister Cassandra in front of me. She was sprouting a devious grin and her hand gripped my throat, her claw-like fingers dug into my throat, I felt blood trickle down my shirt as I scrambled to think of a spell, any spell, to escape her grip. Suddenly, one came to mind, but I wasn't sure I had the energy to use it. However, I began to feel a sense, no a rush, no a wave of power seeped through me and my blood began to thrum throughout my veins. I knew it was the Sickness, but I knew it would grant me the power I needed to end this. I closed my eyes as I absorbed the power and when I reopened them, the room would be repainted in white.


Besides what I've seen Morgan do, I'd never actually seen witches fight others, witches. when Catalina and I walked into the dining room we were gifted with quite the scene before us. I didn't know how to react to what was before us, and clearly Catalina didn't know either. We weren't involved in the coven so we didn't know who was who or who to trust, whose side they were on. I searched for Morgan, or even for Nors, and spotted Morgan against the wall being held up by a very angry looking witch. Without hesitation, I shot an arrow into the arm that was holding her up and I saw Morgan open her eyes. The angry witch turned to face me but she quickly turned back to Morgan, who was now floating above the ground. Morgan raised her arms and flicked the air, sending the angry witch soaring into the room. She moved her fingers and was knocking down witches with every motion, by the time she has floated towards the center of the room she has half the witches down on the ground. I was absolutely stunned. I had no clue how much power she truly possessed until now. Catalina stood equally as shocked beside me, "That shouldn't have been possible." She whispered, and I inhaled a rattled breath. Morgan let out a large breath and as soon as I saw her eyes close I raced over to catch her as she fell.

I was just in time as she landed hard in my arms, and I set her body down on the ground with her head upon my leg. I lifted my hand to her forehead, she was burning up, hot with a dangerous fever. Her skin was more pale than usual and her body was bruised and battered. Anger gathered up inside of me, these were her sisters, her friends, how dare they hurt her like this. "A human?!" I heard a witch say, and I realized that I was now the center of attention, the fighting had finally seized. I spied Catalina with Nora, they were by the far wall helping a witch stand up, she had looked like she'd missed most of the battle. I scanned the room and saw more and more of the witches standing up, leaving me and Morgan in the middle. I felt uncomfortable, like all the eyes in the room were focused on me. Suddenly Morgan began to stir and I stroked her cheek, She opened her bright grey eyes and tried to make a smile when she saw me, "Lu-Lukas." I nodded and cleared away the tears that were now coming down her face. And that was when I saw it, a small knife in the corner of my eye, someone, a witch, had sent flying towards us. In a split second, I clutched Morgan closely and spun myself in the blade, feeling it pierce through my back as I let out a single tear. All that mattered was that she was okay, and the last thought I had was that of her smile, and her eyes, full of light, light to shine away from the darkness that shrouded my eyes as they closed for the final time.


Lukas's clutch was breathtakingly strong, but when I saw the light leave his soft green eyes, I screamed. Ignoring the pain, I crawled into a kneel and spied the witch who had delivered the final blow, and with the last drop of energy I sent a bolt of lightning into her chest. Before anyone could react I gathered Lukas's head in my hands and tried to do anything, everything, to bring him back. My tears tasted of salt and sadness as I held him gently in my arms. "Do you see? Can't you see? A human- this human, just sacrificed himself for her- a human life for a witch," Spoke Catalina, "This boy doesn't hate witches, in fact, most humans do not. You need to get over yourselves, as you can see there is no superior race here. In the end, either life is equal." Gasps and whispers were sent around the room. Circe, who I noticed was leaning on Nora in the back of the crowd, walked over. She knelt down beside me and put two fingers on either side of Lukas's temples. Within seconds he opened his eyes and took a deep breath. He sat up and locked me in a tight embrace, but once he read the room he decided to let go and spoke softly, "What's going to happen now?" I looked to Circe, who stood up and faced Sister Cassandra, "Sister Cassandra, because of your vile actions that led to many innocent deaths, including the lives of the humans you took, you and anyone who wishes to share the same values as you are hereby banished from this coven, and this country. If we even see a glimpse of any of you or hear any rumors that you're back in town, we will be ruthless. Now get out of my sight." And with her final words, Sister Cassandra, as well as the twins, were joined by a small few and they left the room in silence. It was finally over.

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