Chapter 11: What The Future Hold

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Since the meeting was officially over, most of the witches decided to leave, yet Circe walked over to where I was sitting with Lukas and was accompanied by Sister Nora and Catalina. "So, you've been working with a human, and from what it looks like, a hunter boy, this whole time?" Lukas opened his mouth to speak but I spoke first, "Lukas is no hunter. He does have a past, but don't we all? Without Lukas I wouldn't have been able to save Catalina, to expose the treachery within our own coven. He has proved himself beyond worthy." Lukas squeezed my hand and gave me a warm smile. "Alright. I'll waive this incident- but either way, humans shouldn't be invited to coven meetings. Though, you have my gratitude, boy. Thank you." Lukas blushed and nodded his head, "You're uh, very welcome. I was happy to help." With that, Circe went off to fix her dining room with the help of Sister Nora and they went about using their magic to flip over tables and replace the wallpapers.

When I finally gained the strength to stand, Catalina, pulled me to the side. "You have the Sickness, don't you?" I nodded, ashamed she found out. Catalina grabbed my hand as she said, "Oh child, I think I may be able to help you, I've been doing some research and playing with potions, I might be able to fix you, for good." I smiled and squeezed her hand, "Thank you."


Morgan and I made our way out of the dining room and headed to the front of the house. The bodies of the hunters Catalina and I disposed of were gone, burned off of the face of the Earth, courtesy of Catalina. When we stepped outside the sun was beginning to rise over the mountains in the distance and I looked at Morgan. Her eyes shone with hope, hope for a better future, for humans and witches together. I cupped her face in my hand, and she leaned forward and kissed me. Not with desperation, but a gentle kiss, a reluctant kiss. I kissed her back, a kiss full of admiration and fervor. I heard her gasp as she tried to catch her breath and she leaned in for more. However, after a moment, I pulled back, our foreheads leaning together. "I could get used to this." She spoke, happiness staining her words. I laughed and pulled her close, placing a kiss upon her forehead and resting my chin against her head. "I just hope the world can too," I spoke. A human boy and a dangerous witch. Their pasts, and now their futures, entangled together. We didn't know what the future would have in store for us, but I did know that wherever Morgan was, that's where I would want to be.

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