Chapter I

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Lucas point of view

I couldn't believe it. I had just let her be taken like that. Now no one may ever see her again. I felt warm tears well up in my eyes and then start to spill over, causing me to get sympathetic looks from the policemen who walked by. I knew it wasn't manly to cry in front of people but right now I didn't care. I had so many emotions running through me right now: anger that they took her, grief because I may never see her again, confusion on why it had to be her. My Jordan, my sweet innocent little sister.


5 hours earlier


"Jordan, wait up!" I yelled at her while she laughed and ran on ahead. Even though she was younger than me by a year and a half, she was still faster than me. I laughed and pumped my legs faster to catch up with her as she rounded the corner for the next street.

Dangit that was the street the mall was on.That's just gross. Why did I ever make that stupid bet in the first place?

I heard her yell at me to hurry up and a big grin was suddenly plastered on my face. As I rounded the corner I saw a car with its window rolled down pull up next to Jordan and stop. I slowed my pace to a slow walk quietly observed from the sidelines. I was probably one of her hundreds of friends from school.

Just then the back door of the car was thrown open and a guy I had barley noticed until now had been leaning against a building drinking coffee sprinted forward picked up Jordan by her waist and hurtled her into the backseat. He quickly slammed the back door and opened the passenger door for himself and hopped in almost closing the door on his leg.

The car started speeding down the street when my brain finally registered whart happened. I took off at a full sprint after a the red 2010 toyota camry. l saw jordans scared face pop up in the rear window her eyes wide with fear tears streaming down her face. I heard her start to scream words that vaugley sounded like "help me" but I was unsure because they were choked out by a sob.

Noooo! Not Jordan! Not my Jordan! Not my sister!

I broke down sobbing as the car sped out of sight. I vaugley felt pain shoot through both knee caps as I collapsed onto them. I didn't really feel anything because I was already numb. A few bystanders who had witnessed the whole scene where already dialing 911 but I knew it wouldn't help by the time the cops would get here she would be at least 10 miles away locked in a car with those fiends that had kidnapped her. There was nothing I could do. I kept seeing her terrified hace staring back out the window at me.

I felt people's eyes boring into me as my 6'2 frame was racked with sobs. It took the cops a good 15 minutes to get there. The whole time I just stayed like that knelt over in the middle of the street shaking that image stuck in my head etched into my memory torturing me.

I heard the wailing of the sirens as three police cars raced down the street and skidded to a stop in front of me. 2 of the cops were out of the first car in a matter of seconds their guns drawn and pointed at me while the of the four followed. I cried out Jordan's name and wailed like a four year old. It wasn't fair. What did she do to deserve this? I screamed out her name again as one of the six cops yelled at me to freeze and that I was under arrest. I just knelt there shaking and rasping for breath and screaming her name. A female cop came over and more violently than necessary, jerked my right hand behind my back and slammed the metal cuff against it. It was really but I didn't complain when she repeated the process with my left I just stayed still not caring if I was getting arrested for a crime I didn't commit. I just didn't car any more. The female cop who was according to her name tag, Gale, roughly took me by my shoulder and jerked me up to by feet.

"Come on." she said in a rather rude manner not as if coaxing me to cooperate but as if commanding me.

When I didn't comply she called another cop over and he took me by my other shoulder and they dragged me over to one of the cars. I was shoved into the backseat by my head. I knew there was no way out once the door shut but that was just a thought in the back of my head. I still had tears streaming down the front of my face as two of the officers got in the front. The other four stayed behind and started asking civilians what had happened the rest of the car ride was a blur.




When we got to the station I was immediately questioned. I recalled the whole story from us making the bet on who could get to the mall faster up to the time the cops got there tears streaming down my face the whole time.

Now I was just sitting and waiting for my mom to come pick me up. I had called her because there was no way I could drive.

I was just scared. I was afraid that when I looked into her light brown eyes I would see hurt or betrayal at me for me letting Jordan get taken. I just couldn't stand my mom being mad or disappointed in me too. I was doing enough of it myself.

Just then I saw her shiny black sedan and my breath caught in my throat. Here goes nothing...

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