Chapter XI

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lucas pov

The buildings were passing by in a blur as I raced through town. Just then the street light in front of me turned red. I spared a glance at Collin sitting in the passenger seat. He inclined his head in agreement as if reading my thoughts and then grabbed the pull up bar that was on the top of my truck right above the door. Fixing my eyes back on the road, I floored the gas, tearing through the intersection. I heard the squeal of breaks in multiple directions, along with some car honks and a few angry swear words.

Ignoring it all I just kept going.  Suddenly I saw the reflection of cop cars in my rearview mirror as blue and red flashing lights shown through the back of my truck's window. The all too familiar sound of a police siren pierced the air, causing my breath to catch in my throat. When I heard the siren on Saturday, I wasn’t really paying attention I was just more in shock. But now the sound reverberated through the air echoing around in my head, shattering the silence that had settled over Collin and I like a blanket. It brought back memories I had tried to bury deep down and had hoped would never resurface. It brought back memories of the accident. 

Forcing the memories back into the corner of my mind and glancing once more in my rear mirror, I noted there was only one car chasing me so I just sped up. It wouldn’t take that long to get there now. I wondered how she knew where she was. She was sure to do something, anyone who knew Jordan, knew she wouldn’t just sit by and watch herself be kidnapped. She would have fought back. Plus those guys didn’t seem stupid enough just to let her take over.

Pushing those thoughts aside, I tried to concentrate. Up ahead was the fork in the road. If you turned right and kept driving for around 20 minutes, you would pass a glimmering lake. Right next to it was the meadow dad used to take us to. Suddenly I jerked the car left. I had never been down this way, but Jordan had so she knew it. Plus this is where she said she was. It was 15 minutes this way according to Jordan. There was no way I could wait that long. I pushed down even harder on the gas, making the car go somewhere around 110 mph but I wasn’t for sure. The cop car was still behind me and I knew it would soon be calling for backup. 

Suddenly I saw a small dirt path leading off to the right. I quickly flung the well in that direction but was careful enough not to over correct and flip my truck. Suddenly a little cabin looking house came into view as soon as we got to the top of the hill I hadn’t realized we had been climbing. I slammed on my breaks causing both me and Collin to be thrown forward. We probably got whiplash from that I briefly thought to myself as I scanned the tree line for the shed thing Jordan had mentioned. Suddenly my eyes glanced back at I spot and I found the shed. It was to the right of the house in an area I had already over looked.

I flung the door open and was in a sprint before my feet even touched the ground. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the cop car roll up behind us and the driver door fly open. I briefly saw Collin run over to try to explain but I didn’t see how it went. I reached the shed and quickly hurled the door open.

"Jordan!" I screamed as my eyes adjusted to the light.

Suddenly I saw a mass on the ground. I raced over to it not bothering to try to stop and think rationally. Suddenly my sister was in my arms and I was carrying her outside. My poor, bruised and bleeding little sister lay limp in my arms. As soon as I stepped out of the shed, both Collin and the police officer turned and gapped at me. Collin recovered first and quickly unlatched the back of my truck. I gently put her down and grabbed her wrist.

Thump...  thump... thump...

I almost started crying. My sister was alive! Suddenly the cop who had been chasing me came up 

I called an ambulance it will be here in about 15 minutes.

I finally got a look at the police officer who had chased me for 10 minutes. 

Matt had worry etched in his face.


 My head snapped back to Jordan’s face, her lips parted slightly being the only indicate that she had spoken at all. It was so faint I almost didn’t hear it.

I shoved matt out of my way and leaned over to Jordan.

Jordan? It’s okay. You’re going to be alright.

"Luke it... it was all revenge..."

I was so confused revenge? Revenge for what?

“Luke i-i think.... I think it was revenge...... for the accident...”

Suddenly it dawned on me what she was saying. My heart dropped.  This happened to her for some other kid’s stupid mistake. 

Just then a fleet of police cars raced up and skidded to a stop, an ambulance pulled up to my car and two paramedics jumped out of the back. 

One ran over with a first aid kit where he proceeded to pull out a breathing mask and securely fastened it  to my baby sister bruised and bloody face. The other one had set up a gurney and hurriedly pushed it over. They muttered something to each other and then hoisted Jordan up as carefully as they could but I still heard the sharp intake for air and saw the wince she had tried to suppress as it ripped through her body.

I stood there watching my sister’s pain, guilt coursing through my body. This was all my fault. If it had been me that had died that night none of this would have happened. I just stood there feeling useless as my little sister was strapped down shoved into the back of the ambulance and carted away to the hospital.

I felt a tear dribble down my cheek as I watched the ambulance bounce down that dirt road that had brought us here.

I turned to matt. He looked just as torn up as me.

“Hey it’s all right cuz. She’ll make it. You know she’s a fighter.” He managed a small watery smile but it didn’t reach his sunken eyes.

A slight smile somehow managed to turn up the corners of my mouth at the thought of his reference.

Ring!!! Ring!!!

I quickly picked up the phone.


“Hey Luke, it’s me, Matthew. Ummm… I need you to come pick up Jordan from the station.”

I paused thinking, what could she have done to be there?

As if reading my mind matt replied,

“Jordan broke some guys nose and a few of his ribs.” He chuckled at the thought, “apparently he tried to make a move on her, or something. The guy is not pressing charges. Probably because his ego was wounded enough for getting beat up by a girl.

I laughed out loud at the thought of that. Dad had made sure Jordan and I knew how to defend ourselves before everything.

Sighing I glanced at Collin whose eye’s looked moist. I motioned for him to get back into my truck.

“I’ll meet you at the hospital.”

 I barely even heard my cousin as I climbed into the cab of my truck and slammed the door.

Quickly throwing my baby in reverse I sped away from the shack, not wanting to be away from my sister a moment longer.

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