Part 20- jealous?

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(Luke's POV)

"What's your name? Who hasn't heard about me? Wanna watch is practice, Marley?" I mimicked in my mind, rolling my eyes.

Of course he hit on Marley, every boy should like Marley, but she liked it...

As we tried to help each other out with the song Marley occasionally looked over at me. I know she noticed my jealously. It's just ugh- I don't even wanna think about it anymore.

We all learned our parts and decided to take a break. We decided on going out to eat.

"You wanna come with us?" Michael asked Marley.

"I don't know." She shrugged, undecided.

"C'mon Marley!!" He exclaimed. "Live a little!" He gently punched her shoulder. Ugh. I liked Michael... until Marley got sucked into this.

Marley finally agreed, and she ran upstairs to get her jacket and her wallet.

"Dude! You are totally hitting on her!" Calum said to Michael.

"What?! She's pretty and she's nice! Who can blame me!?"

"I don't." I said, scratching the back of my head.

"Someone's jealous." Ashton teased.

"I am not!" I said.

"Okay fine! Be that way, Grumpy." He said back.

"I don't like Marley. If you want to flirt with her you can."

Marley can running down the steps.

"Ready?" Marley asked us.

We all answered with yeses and yeahs. We told Miss Marin we were going out. She cleared us to have 2 hours out,
No more no less.

"Make sure you are back, Marley, you need to get the kids ready for bed."

"Mhm." Markey rolled her eyes behind her back. She's so sassy.

We shuffled out the door. We decided to walk to the Brooklyn Slice. It was a few blocks away so we walked. We talked and joked around.

When we got there it felt good to inside. We sat in a booth. I sat next to Marley who sat next to Michael. Ashton and Cal sat across from us.

"You have nice eyes." Mikey said to Marley.

I rolled my eyes malked him silently, making Aston lAugh.

"What?" Cal asked.

"Nothing." We said at the same time.

"Thanks." She said to him.

" You should text me sometime." He said to her.

"I don't have your number."

"We'll fix that." He smirked.

I sat and I ate my pizza in silence. They whispered to eachother and I wasn't happy, but I don't like her so why do I care?

The four of them talked and I just stirred the soda in my cup.

"Ready to go?" Cal asked. We all agreed and we walked back. We were at the restaurant for 2 hours. We were gonna be late. Oh no, Marley!

"Guys we need to hurry." I said.

"why?" Michael asked.

"Becuase Marley needs to get there, now." I said.

"Oh my god, C'mon!" She yelled.

I took off with here. The cold air burned my lungs and smokey white breath came out of my mouth.

Then, Marley slipped on ice. She fell backwards into me.

"Woah!" I grabbed her and we both fell over. She fell on top of me. I looked straight into those brown eyes. Her breaths were heavy, and her face as pale as snow. Wow, I'm breathless.

I had my arms wrapped around her small frame, holding her against me. She just stared at me, like she was trying to memorize every feature.

I heard footsteps run up behind me.

"Ohhhhh." Ashton smirked.

Marley rolled off me. I stood up and then helped her up. We started running again. We made it to the door and she jumped up the steps.

"You're gonna go through the front door!? She's gonna know you were late." Calum yelled.

"The terrace!" She yelled.

We all went to My side of the house. The fire escape led to my window. We pulled down the ladder that was chained up and we all climbed up.
Marley's leg slipped and I caught her. Her butt was in my face.

"Get your butt out of my face!"

"Get your fave out of my butt" she laughed. I knew this was from a movie but I don't remember.

"This is weird." I said, she was struggling to reach.

She brought back her strength and continued on. We made it and we all climbed through the window.

Marley said goodnight to Michael, he gave her his number. She walked into her room, leaving the four of us there.

Then, I heard Miss Marin come up. We
Made it there 5 minutes late.

"You are supposed to be putting the kids to bed." I heard her voice boom from the hallway.

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