Part 30- Plans

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I went back down to dinner. Everyone was finishing up. I was full. I wanted to propose my idea of a full out Christmas. I took my seat.

"Miss Marin, it's so close to Christmas and I think we should participate in Christmas shopping and getting a Christmas tree." I proclaimed.


"I know you don't think- wait what?!"

"Okay you can have Christmas."


"As long as you are making Christmas happen. I don't ming giving you kids money for shopping or decorations, but I'm not going for a tree or decorating myself."

"Deal!" I just want to make Marley happy. "Thankyou, Miss Marin." I said.

Later that night she gave me money to pull Christmas off. I'm so excited. Before I go to bed tonight I'm telling all the kids we're going shopping tomorrow.

I started with Livi and she was very exited. I told the twins and they were happy too. I gave all of the kids money. It was enough o buy something small for everyone.

I knocked on Ashton and Calum's door. They let me in, and we talked alittle.

"Why are you going through all this?" Ashton laughed.

"Let me take one guess. For Marley." Calum said. Ashton waggled his eyebrows.

"No, I just- I like her. I like Marley, a lot. She's just as amazing as I can remember. She makes me happy. I don't mind being here and long as she's around. I'm not happy unless if she is, and I wanna
Make her happy. So, this is what I'm doing."

"Are you gonna tell her?"

"Tell her what?" I asked.

"That you like her!" Cal said.

"DUH." Ashton laughed.

"What!? No! She doesn't even like me!"
They just gave me that look.

"We've seen the way she looks at you. The way she got jealous when Christa ran off with you. She loves you! You should tell her." Calum reasoned.

"She was jealous?" I asked.

"Veryyyy, that's why she stormed off with Mikey. Which ended up with you punching him in the face, by the way." Ashton said.

"You guys are right, I'm gonna tell her."

"Tell who wait?" I turned around to see Marley standing in the doorway.

I scratched the back of my neck.
"To tell um- you that we're going, uh, shopping tomorrow."

"Shopping for what?"

"Christmas!" I exclaimed.


"I'm so exited! See you guys tomorrow." With that she left.

I turned to Ashton and Calum. We were all wide eyed and silent. That was close. Then, we erupted into laughter.

"Oh my god! You stuttered. Way to play it cool!"

"Well, I'm sorry." We continued to laugh.

"I'm going to bed." I left and went up to my room. I am so excited for tomorrow.

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