Chp. 6

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I slammed the door breathing heavily when I got inside. Not wanting to talk to anyone I ran upstairs slamming my bedroom door burying my head into the my pillow crying some more. This was all my fault I let my stupid feelings get in the way of my head. Not that I've been thinking straight recently. I heard a knock at my door I looked at my mirror trying to make myself look as presentable as possible.

"C-come in" I stuttered. TJ walked in.

"Hey um... I just wanted to see if you're alright... are you?"

I shook my head I knew TJ would see right through me I began to tear up again.

"Come here" he opened his arms I didn't hesitate to dive in.

With TJ I felt safe I sniffed a little and he rubbed my back comfortingly.

"What happened?"

"I'm a horrible person" I cried

"No your not... at least not all the time" he joked

I giggled a little removing myself from his arms.

"I uh... kissed Andi" I told him

"Oh" he whispered.

"It all happened so fast we were talking she came out to me I told her I didn't like Jonah and we-"

"Woah wait she's gay?" He asked me in shock

"No pansexual" I told him "I shouldn't even be telling you this"

"No I'm glad you did I won't say anything but... what happened after that?"

"She kicked me out" I said sighing "What do I do?"

"Well Amber do you like her?" He asked me

"Yes I... I think I really do" I told him.

"Then talk to her and she'll listen if she like you back"

"Thank you Thelonius" I smirked

"Yeah, yeah" laughed

"How are things with you and Cyrus?" I asked

"Okay... I think it feels like he's avoiding me sometimes I don't wanna talk about it now" he said dissapointed.

"Well you know where to find me" I smiled. He nodded.



Amber: Andi can you meet me after work tommorow?

Andi: I don't know

Amber: we can't just ignore this we need to talk

Andi: fine meet me at the park


The clock seemed to be moving at the same pace as TJ on laundry day. Irritatingly slow. Five minutes till four felt like five hours.

"Can I clock off early?"

"Go on then there's only four more minutes of your shift left after all" My boss huffed


I quickly said rushing to the back. To get dressed.

I was saying the speech I had planned over and over in my head. I just prayed Andi wouldn't ditch me. I saw her sitting on the park bench I breathed a quick sigh of relief.

"Hey" I said getting her attention

she looked up at me keeping a serious face.

"Hi... sit" she pointed the space next to her.

"Andi look I-"

"Stop" she put a hand up "I want to talk" I nodded for her to keep going

"I know you're sorry or whatever and I'm sorry too because I've lied to you" I looked at her confused "I like you Amber I have for a long time you are such a great girl and you're beautiful" her face was dusted pink. I'm pretty sure I was bright red.

"But Jonah... he's one of my best friends and I know you're afriad but you need to let go of him I want to be with you but I can't while you're still with Jonah" She said sadly

"I know I've felt horrible for hurting him through all this"

"Then break up with him" she said suddenly

"It's not as easy as you think" I protested

"Jonah's a good guy and a lot stronger than you make him out to be I'm sure he'd understand" she argued back

"Look I'm not trying to hurt his feelings"

"Do you even want us to be together?" She asked me

"Of course I do" why would she think other wise?

"If you do then you'd be willing to actually do this" she stood up

"Andi" I grabbed her wrist

"I'm sorry Amber if you can't do this for us maybe there shouldn't be an us"

With that she snatched het wrist and walked away. How could I of let it get this far?

Things will get better soon sorry for the angst lol

Love lj xx

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