Green leaves

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Win paced around his room nervously, occasionally glancing at the koala in his living room, not knowing what to do. How was he going to take care of a koala? And how the hell did Mike get a hold of one? Those were illegal to own as a pet! He was scared to know the truth, what if he had done something and broken the law? Like kidnapping one from a zoo or something. He honestly wouldn't put is past his cousin to do something like that.

He knew he probably should call some sort of animal shelter or a zoo, but he didn't want his cousin convicted even if he sometimes found that he is annoying as hell but he really did love Mike. He just  ha to trust him and hope this wouldn't come back to bite him in the ass. He sighed and rubbed his temple. He was getting a headache over this. Trust his stupid cousin to ruin his entire break.

He glanced over at the koala who sat there and looked at him and couldn't help but smile a little. At least koalas are cute. He needed to research about them a little so he would know what they needed but first he was going to know the little guy. He must be scared after being carried in the backpack. What was Mike thinking, treating an animal in such a way?

With a friendly smile, Win approached the little creature and sat down in front of it. The animal just stared back at him with black round eyes. His smile widened, it was just so cute and Win wanted to hug it close. It really resembled a teddy bear.

"Hello there little guy." Win cooed and carefully reached out a hand but the koala leaned backwards, moving away from the hand. Win frowned. *He must be afraid of me, it's understandable.* Win didn't give up thought and he tried again but as he moved closer, the koala kept moving backwards until it tipped over and fell on its back. Win was a but hurt that the animal shield away from him but somehow it was extremely adorable to see the animal fall and he couldn't help himself from softly laughing at the situation.

"I'm not dangerous, I promise, you don't have to be scared of me." Win said in a soft voice and watched as the animal slowly got up on all fours and sat down again. The koala's eyes stared up at him again as if he was assessing him, maybe trying to find out whether Win was an enemy or not.

Thinking it was okay to try again, Win reached out for the animal again and this time it didn't move, just continued to stare as Win petted the soft head.

"Oh, you're so cute." He cooed, then he frowned a little. "Now what did Mike say your name was again?" He had to think for a while, trying to remember the conversation with Mike and his parting words. "Was it Bright?" Win said out loud, mostly to himself. It sounded right and it almost seemed like the koala was nodding but he must have imagined it. Koalas weren't smart enough to understand human speech so Win just disregarded it.

"Bright." Win repeated, voice a little distant and he was still deep in thought. "Why does the name sound so familiar?" He knew he had heard it before, that it was someone he knew of but it wasn't something he was going to dwell too much about.

"Okay, are you going to be a good boy while I search a little on the internet?" Win asked the koala, staring at it with a stern look. The koala just stared back, eyes empty. Win chuckled and pet the koala's - no, Bright's- head again. "So cute."

He quickly found his laptop and began searching, sometimes glancing over the at the not moving koala to be sure it wasn't up to anything. Reading about koalas, he learnt how they at least wouldn't be a handful, they mostly just eat and sleep. They actually sleep around 18 hours a day which meant, Win would have a lot of freedom. He needed some stuff though, like a sand box. Even if sand box were meant for cats, it would have to do.

He glanced at the clock. He had time to head into the city and buy one. He needed a place for the koala to sleep but the koala itself would probably find somewhere to sleep. Now, the one thing he was worried about was the climbing, he was afraid the koala would climb places and knock down things. He would have to keep an eye to make sure the koala didn't do that.

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