3 - Goodbye Normal Thoughts.

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"Hey 'Ll- Allura?" I say slowly walking into the hall where Allura was doing...something. Why am I so clueless?

"Hello Lance, What are you doing here?" She says barely glancing at me.

"I was reading up on Altean and I kinda wanted to know how you change your color." I ask cautiously.

"Our color? Alteans focus on drawing our inner energy to the outside."

"Like, how?" 

"We force stored up energy to change the color of  ourselves. I'm not sure how exactly it happens but I remember having classes for it."

"Oh." So she doesn't know how. Should I ask Coran?  "Okay thanks." I say winking at her. I begin walking the other direction and then I stop. I slowly turn around.

"Um, One more question. Why do you hate Keith?"

3rd POV-

Allura looked at Lance with sort of horror. What had prompted him to ask that question in this discussion?

Lance quickly put his hands in an 'I surrender' position and began waving them around and talking, "Not like I, Um I'm doing or trying to say-- I-I was just wondering because you've been mad at him and like, all the good Galra."

"There's no such thing as good 'Galra'" She says that word as though it was poison.

"But they haven't done anything. They're just following orders."

"Enough Lance." She says glaring at him, "You haven't seen your planet destroyed, your cities burnt to the ground, your people dying, innocents killed for no reason. It's all the Galra's fault."

"But it isn't Keith's fault!" 

"I don't trust the Galra and I never will!"

<:"All of the Galra can't be bad.":>

<:"All of them are!";>

<:"That like saying all Alteans are good. It's impossible. There'll be some people- aliens who actually have good judgement. And what about all the Galra-":>


<:"- innocents." He continues, " If we go on killing them all and giving them no chance how are we any better then the Galra?":>

When had he slipped into Alterian? Shit, what if it's was like Spanish? He randomly slips in and out of it. This is bad. How did he get so used to speaking in Alterian?

<:"Lance?":> Allura whispers staring at him in shock, "Were you speaking Alterian? H-How?"

"I was learning it to surprise you and Coran- to make you guys feel kind of less lonely." And that was kind of true...

Unlike English, which is has hard sounds, Alterian is all soft. And the sounds were different. If there was one thing that Lance liked to learn, it was languages and he was a fast learner at it too. Alterian was hard to learn though.

"Forget it." He muttered and walked away leaving Allura to process what had happened.

"Allura, I need your help to reconfigure the Platorium's sequence in the Infidrator chamber"(A/N- Made up words.) Pidge says walking into the hallway where Allura was standing dazed.

Meanwhile Lance was pissed that someone would treat someone else just because their species was horrible. It's was understandable why Allura was angry but Keith was... not Galra. 

Ugh, he thought, Too much thinking...

And he still has to figure out the Altean Broadsword.

 Fine, practice time. He had only finished robots to the Level of 35, so he had to practice. 

Keith POV-

What was Lance doing here?

Wait... he was actually training?? I hide myself behind a pillar and frown. Then slowly stick my head out from the side, staring at him in a-totally-not creepy way.

Lance shoots two drones and it lands perfectly on mark. His Bayard switched from the Rifle to the Broadsword and he ducks as one of the robot's swing a sword. He jabs the sword outward, cutting through the shin of the robot. His Bayard blinked out of existence and  reappeared as the rifle in his left hand. He shoots a second robot, but it deflects his shot and runs at him. I hear him mutter, "Hijo de puta" whatever that means. His Bayard flashes and switches again. Using the flat if his sword, he knocks the robot off his feet and shoots him in the neck. There were five other Robots and at least 30 drones, but he managed just fine. Fuck, he was hot. A small sigh escaped my lips, an- Nope, I'm not going to be thinking like that. No way!

Finally he finished and he was panting. His Bayard went back to it's dormant form. He just stood there, breathing. Then he lifted his Bayard, "Initiate Level 49 Robot, Values 6, Level 50 Drones Values 50." 

"6 Robot Level 49, 50 Drones Level 50, Initiate." A robotic voice said from the overhead speakers. My eyes widened. He was on Level 49 and 50? The highest Level for drones is 50 and 55 for robots. Why doesn't he show this in actual battle?

Lance's Bayard turns into the Broadsword again. 

Back it up Keith. Back it up slow. Ju-just back it. Back it up. Yeah, yeah, yeah, just back it up. You backing it up? Yep, just back it up...  

I trip and fall. HOW DID I FALL!!?? There's nothing here, it's just an empty hall and I freaking tripped. HOW??

"Training Pause." He hears Lance mutter. Shit, I have to get out of here. NOT NOW GAY PANIC!!!

"Keith?" Lance asks, "Uh, are you okay."

"Yeah, I was coming to train and I saw you there and um, I didn't want to disturb you so I was going to leave and I tripped."

"It's okay. I'm done training." Lie  " You can go now if you want." He says grinning.

"What are you going to do?" For a second he looked genuinely surprised.

" I'm going to go and check out that pool. I didn't get to after Sendak's visit.

"I'll come once I'm done a level."

He give me a half-smile, "Yeah, sure thanks." He vanishes before I can ask him why he said thanks.  


A/N- I like comic book science. It make everything so easy.

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