5 - Count Me Out

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"We could have lost today!" Shiro yelled, causing almost everyone to flinch back, "Where were your heads Paladins? Allura, you're lagging behind in the formations, Pidge, pay more attention to what's going on to all of your sides, Hunk, stop being so nice, Keith you are being way to reckless and Lance...firstly, you're shots are all off-

"There were civilians on th-" Lance started.

"You don't know that. Secondly, you're flying is completely armature, And you took too much time to get into formation!"

"-Cause I was trying to cover the castle's back."

"Don't give me any excuse. And worst of all, you all aren't working together. And you know what that means. Formations and Team bonding exercises."

Everyone groans. 

Shiro hands each of them, a circular device, "We'll be doing it in the Mind space." The Mind space was the area just in front of actual thoughts. You can show your thoughts if you want. It was pretty complicated so it's basically a mind sharing magic place or something.

Lance watches everyone put on the devices, fitting them perfectly and as each one closed their eyes, they opened themselves up to the Mind space. Lance was the last one to come. Shiro looked like himself except more buff, Allura was wearing something different. Pidge had a computer, Hunk was trying to make Mind space pie and Keith looked like Keith. Lance on the other hand, decided to become a...well, a lance.

 "What's the task Shiro?" Keith asks, wasting no time.

Shiro smiled a very 'nope, not Shiro' grin and said, " You all have to tell something you haven't even considered telling anyone. And it has to be meaningful. And since we're in the Mind space, I'll know if you lie."

"WHAT!??" Lance yelled while Pidge muttered, "No fair."; Keith glared at the ground, Allura appeared shocked and Hunk just looked like he was thinking.

 "Allura, you go first." Shiro asks.

"Uh?" Allura looks up, "I had an illegitimate half-brother from my mother side before she married my dad."

Lance's eyes widened and the thought, 'Why Allura, why this?'

"He was, hmm, less of an Altean and couldn't be conceived due to some reason. So he was put in a pod to help him completely develop. This, for some reason took two years. So I had a brother, who was supposed to be a year older than me but was biologically 2 years younger. 10,000 years in that cryo pod made my memories a little hazy."

Shiro nodded, "Pidge you?"

"Uhhh, can I go last?" They say biting their lip.


"Fine" They said glaring at Shiro, "All I'm going to say is the sarcasm is a defense."

  Shiro frowns. Lance nods understanding how they feel.


"Uh, I'm gay..."

"Are we supposed to pretend we didn't know that?" Pidge asks Lance in a loud whisper.

"LE GASPE" Lance yells, " I DIDN'T KNOW THAT!!!"

Keith glares at both of them. Pidge smirks while Lance turns into actual Lance and winks at Keith making him go tomato red.

"Hunk, your chance."

"Umm, I dunno, I think I like Shay?"

"Oh c'mon." Pidge says throwing up their hands, "Everybody did know that."

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