Chapter 1: The Bet

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So this is the start of our story!

It took forever to come up with who plays who but we have decided that Emma Watson plays Luna Paige and Dlyan O'Brien plays Blaise Hunter.

This is not a fan fic of any sort and we do don't believe that Emma and Dylan should get together!

The picture located where ever (depending on what you are reading this on) is of Blaise.

Please Enjoy xx


Blaise's POV

"Come on mate, no offence but without your looks the chicks at our school wouldn't look your way twice"

I was having an idiotic conversation with my best mate Drake. He reckons I wouldn't be able to get a girl without my looks, god. He takes that I'm good looking? I swear he's gay, always going on about this guy Harry. ;)

Anyway. I should introduce myself, my name is Blaise Hunter, I'm 17 and I'm a proud Brit. Go Manchester! I guess you could call me Mr. Popular, I've been with more chicks then you can count on your fingers and I'm a mad soccer player.

I don't even know how this conversation started but of course me being me I humoured him.

"Whatever the ladies love the charm as well as all of this" I said as I gestured to my hot bod.

I'm not a cocky douche, but I know that I'm attractive.

"Fine then let's see if you can put your money where your mouth is, $500 says you can't write a girl into falling for you"

"What, that's dumb"

"So you wouldn't be able to do it?"

"Yeah I would, just don't feel like wasting my time"

I could tell already, I was letting my ego get the best of me.


"Fine I'll do it how long do I have?" I said gliding my hand over my dark brown hair trying to make it smooth.

"1 year"

"A year?"

"A year!"


Drake was at my house for another half hour yapping on about the details of this stupid bet. Apparently I need to somehow find a girl and have like a pen pal thing going on. For at least a year. What 17 year old guy in their right mind has a freaking pen pal!

I remember in Year 7 I was forced to write to some French girl for French class, her English was terrible, but then again my French wasn't so great either. Let's just say I dropped French like a hot potato.

I have to meet the girl at the end of the year and if (when) she loves me I am meant to break her heart! As if I would actually do that to some poor girl but I will get 500 bucks and a nice dance in her pants! ; )

I slumped on my double bed exhausted; I had been up since 5am that morning, Drake and his infuriatingly, annoying 'girlfriend' Tahlia, have stayed over at my house the night before and all I could hear was them making out. I mean I get it, for appearances he needs to have a girlfriend but yeesh could he have found someone less irritating; she literally hangs off of him every time I see them together. Being woken up by Drake and Tahlia isn't a rare thing though; I live on my own (well in theory) so I pretty much do whatever I want and have whoever over when I want. (Girls mostly) ;)

It had been 3 days since the bet was made. I found a website where you have a profile of like your interests and your photo and stuff, and you can request to start pen palling someone if you find them interesting or whatever. I've looked through heaps of girls profiles; there were no hot chicks, at all, which makes a lot of sense but still! I stared at my mac book covered with stickers of my favourite soccer team Manchester United trying to find someone to write to. Ugh why did I get myself into this?

Then one caught my eye. She had golden brown hair and silvery green eyes, she was kind of pretty but not in a hot way, she looked too innocent to be hot. Luna.

Interests: reading, reading and reading a bit more.
Very limited information about me, but I guess if you'd like to find out more you'll have to write to me won't you?

P.O. box 934 Spring Ave. Seattle Washington.

She seemed quite intriguing and frankly she seemed like one of those girls that are suckers for romance, love stories and a false sense of security. Perfect. I have found my girl!

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