Chapter 4: Daisy's Letter

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So today's book is 'City of Bones' by Cassandra Clare. It's amazing I finished it in 3 days.

The picture where ever it is is of Luna's house. Yeah it's a little worse for wear.

Enjoy xx


Luna's PVO

My recap of today
Got up
Went to school
A boring talk with the school councillor
Double maths
Lunch in the library (highlight of my day) 
Sport (oh what fun)
And finally English (the only subject that is decent at this school)
The only problem with the glorious subject is our ancient teacher Mrs Matthews. She thinks that reading books about the art of poetry is real literacy and that highly celebrated books such as Harry Potter or The Mortal Instruments are rubbish children's fantasies that I should have grown out of by now.

Anyway, enough of my ranting. Sorry about that!

Another dragged out day had come to a close to it was time to go back home, the one place worse than school. If that was possible. Sorry doing it again.

I always have the choice of walking or catching the bus. Walking is the better option since you are not attacked for sitting in someone's seat or stared at for reading and being called 'nerd!' every 5 seconds. Normally I would walk but today I have way too many books to carry and my homework list is as long as Rapunzel’s hair!

Right now I am seated on the bus squished next to this junior who sprawls his legs up across the seat, normally has the entire seat to himself since he gives anyone who even looks at the seat a death stare! And frankly he smells a little too much like when my mother makes me feed Mickey sardines. I am allergic to the fish, but they're gross anyway so I don't mind.

One time I had to walk to hospital myself at 10pm swelling up like a puffer fish (I am allergic to all types of fish, well not really only certain ones but the doctor says I should just avoid all of them) since my mother hates ambulances and being woken up whenever she is 'concentrating' on her sleeping.

I still haven't written that letter to Daisy. What am I supposed to say to her? Her life seems normal. She doesn't need counselling or need to get a job. She probably has a normal family who love and respect her. And boys falling at her feet because of her pretty blonde head, and probably goes to a posh, expensive private school that have a fantastic library. 
My head is filled with nonsense. 
But why couldn't my life be at least normal?
She seems nice, hyper but nice, and I don't want to stuff this up.

I finally have arrived home after a 30 minute bus ride and a 10 minute walk. The house is positioned in the not so nice part of the town and is apparently haunted according to this guy called Jacob at my school.

As I struggle up the street I can see as usual that no one is home. Checking the letter box, I find 4 bills that I will end up paying for since my mom spends nearly all her money on Mickey, clothes for herself and alcohol that she seems to live on. I don't know how my dad doesn't notice but apparently that is just her 'happy' spirit. A post card from my aunt in London (my dad’s side) and a letter addressed for me? The only person who would send me something is Daisy. Yay! My first letter from Little Miss Perfect.

As soon as I finish my homework and am just about to open my letter but my beloved mother comes up to greet me. Quickly I hide my letter.
"Yes mom?"
"Cook dinner for me and Micky. I am feeling quite off at the moment. Egg will do the trick for me and Mickey can have some of that beef filling he adores."
"Alright and there are 4 bills and a post card from Aunty Lin that came in the mail today."
"Oh, yes. Please hurry up with dinner I might faint soon."

Of cause my mother has a hangover like every other Wednesday and she knows I hate it when people say me and whoever! It's WHOEVER AND I!

An omelette will do. As I cook her egg I think about that letter and what might be inside. Maybe it is some guy being a creep or maybe she is telling me she has changed her mind and doesn't want to speak to me (that would suck). She may be as awesome as she sounds or be just like me but making out like her life is heaps better bu.....
"I'm sorry! Just plating it up."
When I walk into the dining room she is there looking like she is ready to murder me.
"Kisses Luns! Now go upstairs and do not disturb me!"
"Yes mommm."
Arrrrh I hate being called Luns! My dad always does it and my mother hates my name for starters and never says it even though she chose it!

Taking out my letter I start to read.
Dear Luna.......
Who on this earth likes gale?
She put in a pic of her poodle that was quite cute. 
Okay so she's 17 my age and seems like a girl! (I didn't really care though, she was a human being who I could speak to!)
Who asks questions like these?
Maybe it's just me! Most girls probably talk like this. Of course I wouldn't know. Anyway I should reply.

8:30 pm
Dear Daisy,
Thank you for your letter and choosing me as your pen pal. 
I am also excited to find out more about you but how can you like Gale?!
Sorry, the inner rageful Fan girl was taking over for a second. 
So I am 16 turning 17 on the 21st of September.
Your Poodles cute, wish I had a dog :D
So if I answer your question you can answer them back. Okay? Okay.
1. I don't use makeup, 1. I don't have any and 2. I'm just not really in to it but it seems a bit like art, so it would probably be fun. 
2. Refer to the above.
3. I have a cat named Mickey (who belongs to my mother).
4. My favourite movies are 'The Book Thief', 'Titanic' and 'The Bridge to Terribitha'.
5. Everlark is bæ
6. Having my period leak though all my clothes.
7. My Aunty giving me my first novel -> The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
8. You already asked me this. But it's green.
9. I love chocolate.
10. English (though I hate my teachers choice of books).
11. No, unless you count reading as a sport!
12. I like all books with love, adventure, thrill and blood.
I am not little, I'm fun size and my day could have been better. :/

From Luna

P.S. I love the enthusiasm but could you maybe tune down all the hearts and faces? Thanks.

9:30 pm

Wow it took me an hour to write a letter that didn't even have much in it? 
It's too late to post it now but in the morning I shall.

Gosh I hope she likes me, I desperately need some normal in my boring life.

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