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gosh writing is hard

• [Bel] •

"Bel Yua Hatori?"


"Are you sure you want to be doing this?"


White hair, blue eyes, twisted smile. That boy will stay forever in my memory, the very day I was meant to die. Anything about my survival was lost to my memory, leaving nothing but speculations.

I look at the man in front of me, disappointment lacing my features the more I glared up at him. If he was uncomfortable, he hid it well. Black hair that was tied back, sharp features, tall build. Completely average. I watched him scribble away, before his false friendly smile returned to his face. The air in this office suffocated me.

"You're a Sleigh Beggy, you'll go for quite a high price. Now just to confirm this is what you want, remember, what happens to you after you've been bought is completely up to the buyer. Are you okay with that?"

How many iterations of the same question could be spoken by this man? I guess I am willingly signing my life away. Would I really have come here if I wasn't prepared for the worst? What a silly man. I can see him doing the same to my sister. It leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

"Yes." I reply quietly, before allowing myself to stand at his command. I wonder what I looked like to him. Was I beautiful? Was I ugly? Was I just another someone in the crowd, willing to make him more money? No. I am only but an item, I guess, to an Auctioneer.

I feel cuffs, chains being placed on me, and my neck. I keep my head straight as they tightened and locked the collar, a smile gracing my face as a sheet is placed over my head. We started to walk out of the room, though I proceeded to zone out.

I feel myself slow down slightly, my eyes lifting to see the creatures around me, chained like myself. 'You didn't ask for this like me, did you? Poor things..' A light purple liquid ran down my cheeks from my eyes, turning to purple crystals as they dropped. 'I am not mocking your misery.'

I watched as one of the creatures tensed, before bowing its head. I was pulled along quickly, the same man wiping the liquid away. I don't understand what it is.

A door opened up, after waiting in a room which seemed to take forever, my mind wondering back to the boy with dark icy blue eyes, how one half screamed for help, while the other half rejected all forms of it. I will see him again. I stood, walking to the middle of a stage, my head down. I couldn't see anything in front of me, the light above illuminating the white sheet and chains that covered and decorated my figure.

I heard the mans voice speak, voices bidding on me. Doors in the back open, a smile coming to my face as he walked up onto the stage, ignoring the thousands of whispers. 'How will you fare, dear Mage? When the price of me is already so high?' His low, loud voice broke through the bordered silence.

"Nine Million." I looked up at him, my smile stretching further. I guess I can respect this monster. For now.

Gasps were heard everywhere, before the sound of the Auctioneer's voice roared up again, a loud tap of polished wood on polished wood sounded, along with the word 'sold'. I turn away from my new owner, walking to where I was supposed to wait, to be picked up.

"You have agreed to the price of nine million pounds. Age thirteen. Ethnicity, Japanese. She's obedient, but mind her stares." I zoned out their chat, staring out of the windows behind me. It would be rude if I stared, right?

My grin never left my face, though I was pulled out of my peaceful scene-watching, literally. "Back straight, chin up. While I am here, you are not to look down. Understood?" I closed my grassy green eyes, smiling politely. "Yes." The Mage turned to the man, whom I'll remember to forget soon. "I'll be borrowing your lobby." He smiles that false-friendly smile again. "By all means."

As we walk out, I catch the disrespect given towards my owner, looking back at the sheepish worker bad-mouthing the mage. I grinned, and I'm certain they caught it, with my head no longer covered.

"Easy, now. It's not healthy to wish ill-will towards others. Especially when you have the gift to curse so easily." A hand comes in contact with my head, and I lean in to the touch. I feel his hand slip to my cheek, before he twirled around a lock of my hair. I felt him losing his thoughts the more he made contact with me, staring at my smile through the cloth covering his face.

"Say, if I foolishly wished something, would it come true?" He snapped out of his trance, removing his hand and walking down the halls once again. As if nothing happened.

"Depending on the nature of this wish. How much magic you used. How specific you are. What kind of situation prompted this question?" I shook my head, humming softly. It didn't come as a surprise to me, that I could use magic. I muttered a small 'nothing', looking around the dimly-lit room filled with less creatures than before. My hand reached up, to simply wave at the mermaid captured, pity in my expression.

A snake-like spirit floated to me, and I held my still-cuffed hands to it, holding it to my chest as my eyes closed, my smile returning. "Ah, good. You can see them." As soon as it came, my smile left again. He opened a door to another room, and I walked in shortly after. "Hm?" I glanced up at him, my brows raised, though my look of disinterest stayed firm.

"What's your name?" I slipped the cream cloak off of my shoulders, folding it neatly in my arms. "Bel Yua." He lifted his hands to the cloth covering his face, lifting it to show his animal-like skull, no flesh. "My name is Elias, Elias Ainsworth. Pleasure to meet you, my little Puppy." Amused, a grin came to my face again, my hands resting in his outstretched one.

"From what I've observed so far, it appears you have the sight. How fortunate." He spoke, though his 'mouth' never moved. I giggle a little, shaking my head. "Fortunate for who, may I ask? You, Dear Mage?" He was slightly taken back, seeing as I hadn't acted out in rage like he thought I would. Did he think me so low?

Never get close to them. That is my one job. "I appriciate your opinions, I paid good money for you, don't let me down." I was pulled into his chest, an unease setting in my stomach as I clung to him. "Now close your eyes and keep close, you may feel a bit dizzy."

"Nettles in the shadow.. Ring of  Holly.. Thoroughly entangle the branches as a spider's web.."

Thorns trapped us in a ball, branching out like withered black rose stems from the circle of blue beneath us, blue sparks of magic flying high everywhere around us. I cringed as my stomach did flips. In a blinding flash, we were no longer in a room.

I opened my eyes to the scene around me, sighing "We're to the west of London, on the outskirts of the country side in England." He touched the chain on my neck, and I watched as it shattered off of me. "As of today, you'll be my pupil. An apprentice Mage." I blinked lightly, before dipping my head, and nodding.

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