Chapter 14 - A Different Bunch

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Time went by so fast. And now, we will have another Preparatory Aptitude Test.

All of us went to the gymnasium. Unlike the previous setting, it is a different one now. I didn't know what to do with these. These aren't just simple test stalls and meters. They were completely different. I guess there will be new students who will pass. I honestly think I can't. It was not my expertise.

Unlike the previous test, they provided us with simple meters to measure the power of our aegis. But now, they are actually asking us questions. I guess I won't pass this time, but that's actually good because the others will have a chance to compete.

They still had four sections, each testing the aegis classes. This is the second test but it felt like this is the final and the hardest. Then, what about the third and the others that will follow? I dreaded for a moment.

I still encouraged myself to do my best. I also told my friends to do so. Again, I can't seem to find a sign of Harriet anywhere.

Each test were conducted by different supervisors. They were testing our critical thinking skills. They asked about situational maneuvers, battlefield probabilities, and other complicated things. It was all about MPS and what to do inside the battlefield. Luckily, I managed to answer them with ease because I already competed for one. I guess the others will do a good job too.

I really hoped that new students will pass. They were really trying their bests too, it was evident in their expressions in every test, thinking carefully.

The test was not all about questions though, they still had practical tests, measuring the power of our aegises. After I finished all the tests, I thought that it was not that hard. I managed to finish the test, but I admit that there were parts that are complicated, especially on those critical thinking tests.


Now, it was the most awaited part of the day. They will now announce who the passers are. Ms. Klaz walked to the microphone. The hologram screen was behind her.

"Thank you once again for participating in our second Preparatory Aptitude Test. We expect best results from all of you. But, only 5 students will only be picked again." She said. Holding the remote on her hand. She pressed it, then the results came out.

Top 5
1. Barry Letzs
2. Restie Blink
3. Gabe Rosette
4. Ador Stemrose
5. Lizie Lhethr

My eyes widened in shock. I placed first, again. Meaning, I will compete again.

I looked again at the screen. 2nd... 3rd... 4th... 5th... My friends weren't there! They are students I'm not that close to. I gulped. I hope we get along just fine. The fact that I don't know most of them dreaded me.

"Congratulations. The five of you may now proceed to the dean's office." She said in a professional tone. Then, walked away.

I stood up from my seat and looked for my friends. I smiled as I saw them encouraging me, doing a you-can-do-it gesture with their hands. I'll talk to them later, I thought. I should go to the dean's office.


I met with the others outside the dean's office. I'm already acquainted with Restie and Gabe because they're my classmates. But, the other two were not familiar, I guess they're from the other room beside ours.

"Hello." A guy with a bronze clean-cut hair and deep green eyes greeted me. I guess he is Ador. I smiled at him in response.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Lizie." A girl with medium blonde hair spoke, stretching her hands to me. I shook it and smiled in return. Her eyes were gray. Her voice were somehow husky, unusual for a girl.

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