House 家

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There are different types of rooms in a house. Examples are:

客厅 (Kètīng)= living room

卧室 (Wòshì)= bedroom

厨房 (Chúfáng)= kitchen

房间 (Fángjiān)= room (bedroom)
椅子 🪑  (Yǐzi)= chair
桌子 (zhuōzi) = table
收音机 📻 (shōuyīnjī) = radio
冰箱 (bīngxiāng) = fridge
沙发 🛋 (shāfā) = sofa
电视 🖥 (diànshì)= tv
衣柜 (yīguì) = wardrobe
空调 (kòngtiáo) = air conditioner
台灯💡 (táidēng) = lamp
门 🚪 (mén) = door
床 🛏 (chuáng) = bed

Have a nice day! Stay at home! Practice social distancing guyss! ☺️

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