Part 3

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After school I walk to the park just like every other day. When I get there, I notice that Taehyung is not there yet. Even though we never speak, I wonder if he is still coming.

My routine goes pretty normal as I sit down and start to draw. It is only peaceful for a few minutes though before a man who looks to be in his late thirties to early forties. He is pretty average looking. I examine him very closely.

He is wearing plain office attire and has dark brown hair. His eyes are small and blue.He also has an extremely prominent nose. He is also about 5'9.

For some reason I just feel the need to remember as many detail about him a possible.

" Hi, I lost my dog somewhere around here and I was wondering if you could help me find him?" the man says.

I know better than to go off alone with some random guy. Because of the situation, I take my phone out of my pocket and make my way to the keypad while making sure that he does not notice.

"Sorry, I'm meeting someone here so I really can't leave this spot," I lie to him, to try and get him to leave me alone.

"Come on, please, I really need help," he says sounding a little more pushy than before.

" I already said No. I can't help you." I say firmly, as I grab my bag them stand up to walk away.

"Dammitt just help me find my fucking dog!" He screams, which startles me. I begin to run and get away but he manages to grab my by my hair.
"Ahh!" I scream. This is it for me I pull away as hard as I can to try and escape but, it's no use. "Help! Help!" I scream as loud as I possibly can. I feel the most scared I have ever felt in my life.

"Hey, get away from her!" someone yells.

The man releases my hair and I stumble to the ground, scraping the skin of my bare knees, but I don't even notice. I scramble to my feet right away and turn around to see my attacker lying unconscious on the ground. I look to see who saved me and it's Taehyung. Taehyung just saved me.

"Come on we need to hurry," he says urgently, as he grabs my hand. We begin to run as fast as we can toward the park entrance. "Do you live around here?" He asks.

"Yeah I live right over there," I say as I point towards my house which is right across the street.

"Okay lets go then," he says, and we begin swiftly walking across the street.

We arrive to my front door and I take out my key to unlock the door, while Taehyung is on the phone with the police, explaining the situation. We enter the house and he stay on the phone for a little bit longer. I go around and lock all the doors and close the curtains just to be safe until the police or one of my parents get here.

" Hey are you okay?" Taehyung asks me when he gets off the phone. At that moment, all the adrenaline wears off and I begin to fully process the situation. I just break down crying. I feel so upset that I just go and hug Taehyung out of nowhere. He hugs me back and says

"It's okay, your safe now," in his soft yet deep voice, while holding me tightly. I feel his hand carefully strokes the back of my head gently in a comforting way. We stay like this for a while until I finally manage to calm myself down. When I'm finally calm enough, I break the embrace we are in.

" Are you feeling okay?" He asks quietly.

I am kind of surprised by his kindness. He had never really spoken to me much let alone give me a hug and try to comfort me the way he did just seconds ago.

"Yeah, I'm okay now. Thank you so much though. I don't know what would have happened if you didn't help me but I'm sure it would have been something awful. So yeah thank you for saving me," I say sincerely while smiling softly at him.

"Your welcome. I'm glad I showed up when I did though. Honestly, I wasn't planning on going to the park today but I got a strong feeling that I should and thankfully I did," he says with a slight smile of relief.

"I'm glad too, so thank you," I say. After there is a long silence. Not an awkward one, but one of a sense of peace.

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