Min Yoongi

915 38 2

- 12 January 2013-

" Oh~ Jinie, just let me work with you. " Eunbyul said with aeygo.

"No. You can't. You have to rest and tomorrow I don't to see you at my work place. " Jin said as he continued walking to they home.

"Owh~ Jinie, I'm bored , I want to do something. So , let me work with you. " She whined.






"Ugh! Come on." While she mumbled about why she really wanted to work with him, Jin suddenly stopped walking at mid-track. He directly looked at something near the building at the area where they live. Eunbyul stopped talking after she realize Jin didn't walking beside her. She turned around and saw he looking at something.

"Yah! why did you-" She suddenly stopped when she saw a bone structure of a robot.

"A. Robot."

"It can be fix. Why they throw it ? Seeing this make me emotional." Jin said while he faking cry.

"Didn't they know a robot have feeling too." He continued and again he faking cry.

"Oh~ I can help him. Let's fix it!" Eunbyul said.

"W-What ? Yah! didn't you remember , you didn't have any equipment and it only 13% chance to success."

" Didn't you say that we have a chance to fix him."

"Yeah~ but only when we have the equipment."

" Then we buy all the equipment."

"Yah! how do you get money huh?!"

"Right-" She grinned at her silliness. Then an idea popped out from her mind.

"Then let me work." Jin looked at her and sighed.

"Ok! I let you work."

"Yes! Thank you Jinie~"

"Let's back home." He said.


"What again?!"

"This-" She pointed at the robot and Jin sighed again. He knew he had to bring that back home too. He lift up that robot and walked. Eunbyul chuckled and followed him. 



"Uh- where we going to put this ?" Jin asked as he unsured cause they house not that big like her home before. It has two room , one bathroom , a small kitchen and other space was living room include where she sit to eat or doing some work or to watch television.

"Urmmm....just put it in my room." Jin nodded and put it in her room.

"Ok. Now I have to go to get my beauty sleep....oh and tomorrow we gonna meet my boss to discuss about your work. Good night." Jin said and winked at her before he shut the door. Eunbyul chuckled and went to take her pyjama with towel. She then went to the bathroom to take a shower before she get her beauty sleep. After she took a shower , she changed to her pyjama and went back to her room. She switched off the light and layed down on her bed then she closed her eyes. But she felt like can't sleep then she turned around. A few minutes later, still can't sleep she turned to another sides and ended up doing the same thing. She opened her eyes as she frustrated. That's it! I can't sleep now. She thought in her mind.

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