Chapter 5

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ERMAHGERD! I'm back! I had so much school stuff I'm sorry to just leave you all hanging there. Let's get to the chapter.

Becca's POV

My eyes widen as I see Trevor stomp away, pushing anyone near him. I sigh and start collecting my books when someone stops at my seat - I look up to see another boy.

"Hey I'm Logan." He says offering his hand.

"Becca." I say shaking his hand.

"So, I see Trevor has some feelings for you?" He says in more than a question than a statement.

"I don't think so." I say with a small smile.

"Wanna walk together to next class?"

"Sure." I say and follow him out the door.


I look at the back of the classroom to see Trevor kissing a cheerleader. After they pull away, Trevor looks at me - he smirks and kisses the cheerleader again making me cringe my nose in disgust.

"Ignore him, he's trying to make you jealous."

"What?" I say turning to Logan.

"How do you know?" I ask him.

"I was his best friend once, last semester to be more accurate."

"Really?" I say, my eyes widening.

"He got into that popularity crap and just ignored me. He was very nice before that happened. I guess that after his mother died nothing was the same for him."

"His mother died?"

"Yea, she had lung cancer. That's why Trevor is of the few popular people who don't smoke." He says, doing air quotations when saying 'popular'.

"That's so sad." I say looking back at where he is.

"He was nice with me at the frat party."

"That's how it starts Becca, once you know him he's very rude. Believe me he wasn't like that before, maybe you could fix him or something - I see you have some magic way to make him stop doing things."

I look back at Logan and sigh. Maybe I can give it a go? Trevor looks like a nice person if it weren't for all those tattoos and piercings he has. After class ends, I stand up and walk towards Trevor.

"Trevor, I'm sorry for acting so foolish when you asked for forgiveness." I say and he looks up confused.

"You are forgiven, plus you saved me from a hormonal idiot which adds bonus points to whatever we have with us."

He smirks and swings his backpack over his shoulder.

"Well I'll see you around then, Rebecca."

"Don't call me that." I groan making him chuckle as he leaves the classroom.


"What did he say?" Lizzie says impatiently.

"Well, I'll see you then Rebecca and then he left!"

"What?! Giiiiirl he likes you!"

"Giiiiiirl naw." I say making us laugh.

"Still, I wouldn't let you date a jerk like Trevor. He doesn't deserve you, he doesn't even deserve your presence!" she says making me laugh.

"Stop it you." I say making her join in the laugh.

After the good laugh we had, we start eating our surprisingly good food. What Logan and Lizzie said got me thinking. Maybe Trevor has something for me but like every other boy he won't show it?

..Am I falling for this jerk?

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