(CH 3)The Real Journey Begins

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(Hi everyone! im back with another chapter of this story again forgive me for not publishing for so long that is why i am going to update as much more as i can. If you have any request please ask in the comments and ill see what i can do. Bye and enjoy the story!)

(Speaking) = "Hello!"

(Telepathy/Aura) = 'Hello!'

(Thoughts) = 'Hello!'

(Pokedex) = "Hello!"

(Pokespeech) = Meloetta!


Ash and Meloetta made their way to Viridian City with little to no problems on their way there excluding the wild pokemon and a few trainers which were easily dealt with Meloetta. On their way through the entrance of Viridian City someone blocked their path "Halt! Let me see your trainer ID this instant!" said police officer.

(Let's be honest you all know her at this point and if you dont then her name is officer jenny well lets go back to the story)

As Officer Jenny 'kindly' asked them, Ash pulled out his pokedex and given it to Officer Jenny. The sound of beeping can be heard "Hello I Am Dexter Personal Pokedex Of Trainer Ash Ketchum If Lost I Cannot Be Replaced" . After hearing that, Officer Jenny's strict face became that of one relived "i am sorry for being rude on our encounter. There were just reports of Team Rocket stealing people's pokemons, so i thought that you were one of them". 

As this was happening Meloetta predicted this so she was already invisible on top of Ash's hat. Ash felt disgusted with Team Rocket for stealing others pokemons. He knew of Team Rocket and the crimes they had done when he runs into one of them he would give them a piece of his mind, and that peice of mind would be destroying them in a pokemon battle.

(Just letting you readers know when ash catches a new pokemon he won't be using Meloetta that much because she is to strong for his current level so when he is in the last 2 gyms / Pokemon League he might use her)

"Well i can assure you the pokemon i have are mine, so please excuse me i have to go to the pokemon center to check up on my pokemon". So Ash went his towards the pokemon center, before he left tho he kindly asked her where is the pokemon center before saying bye. As ash was making his way towards the pokemon center he bought some supplies from the pokemart, with the help of Meloetta of course.

As Ash and Meloetta went in the pokemon center the sudden breeze of cold air washes over them. Ash went to nurse joy and asked "Nurse Joy can you please take a look after my pokemon and can i please rent a room for tonight?". Nurse Joy responded nicely "why yes of course just set your pokeball/s on the tray please".

 Ash told Meloetta to come out saying that she could trust her. As Meloetta turned visible Nurse Joy was quit supprised that a beginner trainer has this kind of pokemon especially since she doesn't know what kind of pokemon it is. Instead of asking she brought Meloetta so she could check on her to see if she is injured or ill, of course after prying her off Ash. 

As Meloetta was being checked up on Ash went to the video phone (Please comment on what they are called in the commentsi forgot what they are called it has been a while since i watched the anime) Ash dialed Professor Oak's number he waited till he answered. After a few seconds the back elderly man finally answered "Ah hello Ash my boy! how has your journey been so far?" Ash responded "it has been nice so far except for the fact that my pikachu left me for dead for the flock of spearow"

"Oh ash i new giving you that pikachu was a bad idea if i knew what was going to happen i would have given you a different pokemon instead". "It's ok Professor Oak after all if that didn't happen then i wouldn't have met my current partner that saved me from the flock of spearow" Ash replied "Oh? you have caught a new pokemon?" Oak asked intrigued on how could he have caught without his own pokemon "what kind of pokemon is it?" Oak asked curios on what kind of pokemon could have saved him from a flock of spearow.

"Im not sure either, that is why im asking if you know what kind of pokemon is Meloetta" Oak raised an eyebrow to this "couldn't you have used your pokedex on what kind of pokemon it is?" Asked Oak he knew that Ash would have checked the pokedex if he caught a new pokemon "that's the thing it says their is no data of the pokemon so i am asking if you could check my trainer profile to see what kind of pokemon she is". Now to say the Professor was intrigued would be an understatement.

Professor Oak pulled out Ash's trainer profile to check this mystery pokemon. When he saw it he was confused on what he was seeing, he would have to ask the other regional Professor's about this interesting discovery. "You got me here my boy i have no idea of what kind of pokemon this is, what is the name of this pokemon again?" "Meloetta Professor" "hm  ill havee to ask the other regional Profssor's about this". Responded the old man "ill ask them tomorrow i might have the answers by the time you get to Pewter City no need to worry for now" "ok Professor" responded Ash. "Well it was nice talking to you my boy remember to talk to your mother after *Bell noises in the background* oh! my pizza is here goodbye my boy" ends the call. Ash chuckles abit before dialing his mom's number.

*Timeskip brought to you buy chibi Meloetta cuddling a chibi Ash ash his mother smiles in the back ground while author-kun tries to not make a lemon*

After talking to his mother Ash went to the main lobby just in time before his pokemons check up is done. As he collected his pokemon Meloetta immediately latched herself onto his head after waiting so long (Few minutes at most) for her Ash to come back to her. As Nurse Joy gave him the keys to his room the glass above the building broke and smoke bombs were thrown down from above.

Three figures came down from above and "give us all the pokemon in this center" demanded the violet/pink(?) Haired female "who do you think you guys are?" shouted Ash. (Insert Tam Rocket Motto here) "was that a talking meowth!?" questioned Nurse Joy Meloetta was mad beacause they disturbed her time with Ash and tried to hurt her Ash! "Meloetta use sing to put them to sleep" She happily complied and the three rocket grunts were immediately put to sleep Nurse Joy was thankful that the pokemon are safe.(I am sorry but im doing this in the middle of the night and ill try and improve my writing of battle scenes)

Before Meloetta put the three to sleep she has called Officer Jenny and told her about Team Rocket she immediately took them to the police station not before saying thank you yo Ash for catching them. Nurse Joy was happy that no pokemon were harmed so she gifted Ash with potions, a few berries and a kiss to the cheek leaving a very flustered Ash and a agitated very Meloetta.

After the Rocket fiasco Ash and Meloetta went to their assigned room and went to sleep not before Meloetta giving Ash a face full of kisses. Both of them are excited for the future that awaits them both, i guess you could say that their Real Journey Begins.

(I hope you are enjoying this book so far the next chapter that will be posted will come out soon. Goodbye!)

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