Gansey X Reader

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Gansey was all Y/N would ever think about. The way he walked, the way he talked, the way his nose creased when he laughed; Y/N's every waking moment was filled with images of Gansey. She loved sitting with him is Cabeswater; his arms wrapped around her, his lips ghosting her cheek. She enjoyed going to Nino's with Gansey and the boys and meeting Blue there, laughing and eating pizza. She always looked forward to Gansey's story about his travels, his time with Malory, his drive for finding Glendower. Y/N felt like she was on cloud-9 when she caught Gansey staring at her, she felt even more elated when she saw him blush. She felt at home with them; they were her family.

Y/N nodded along as Blue gossiped about the women of 300 Fox Way. They were walking from Nino's to Monmouth after Blue's shift. It was quite a walk, but they always found things to talk about. 

"And then Orla was like 'BlUe YoU sHoUlD fInD a BoYfRiEnD lIkE mE.', I was like 'Bitch no'" Blue chatted, rolling her eyes at the memory.

Y/N giggled and nudged Blue. "Henry is still single~" She goaded, wiggling her eyebrows.

Blue made a gagging sound and nudged her back. "As if." She shuddered,

Y/N laughed and hooked her arm through Blue's. "You find someone when the time is right, don't listen to Orla."

Blue sighed leaned her head on Y/N's shoulder. "I hope not."

Y/N frowned. "Why no-" And then she remembered the curse. "Oh, right, sorry Blue."

Blue shrugged her shoulders. "It's fine."

They leaned on each other silently, enjoying the comfort of each others company. Blue and Y/N had become close friends - well every one of them had become close friends, but being the only girls in the group, they tended to share things with each other that they couldn't with the boys. Blue had never been friendly with other girls, so Y/N was very special to her. Them finding each other felt like fate - well, the whole group finding each other felt like fate.

The sound of tires screeching roused Y/N from her reverie. Y/N's head jerked up and her eyes met Adam's.

"Hey." He flashed them a smile and dismounted his bike. "Going to Monmouth?"

Y/N and Blue let go of each other and turned their attention to Adam. 

"Yep!" Y/N smiled, giving him a hug. 

Adam hugged her back and gave her a little squeeze. 

"Just got out of the garage?" Blue inquired, taking up the space on the other side of Y/N.

Adam let go of Y/N and held the handlebars of his bike. "Yeah, I took on an extra shift." 

"Sounds sucky." Blue groaned. 

Adam chuckled and started to match their pace. "Well, it wasn't very pleasant." 


After half an hour of talking and bantering, the trio arrived at Monmouth. 

Y/N grinned like a madman as soon as the building came into view. 

Blue nudged Adam and smirked. "Someone's happy to see Gansey." 

Y/N stuck her tongue out at them, mocking Adam's laugh, and hooked her arms through theirs. 

When they made it to the door, Y/N took a key out of her pocket and inserted it into the lock. 

Blue whispered to Adam "Oooh, Gansey gave her a key~" 

Y/N shoved her lightly and smiled, turning the doorknob. 

Y/N walked in, placing her messenger bag on the couch.

"Hey!" Y/N looked up and saw Gansey walking out of the kitchen/bathroom. 

Y/N grinned as he made his way over to her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into a hug. 

Y/N giggled and nuzzled into him, enjoying his scent. 

When he hesitantly pulled away, he kissed her forehead. 


They turned and were met with Ronan's accusatory stare. "Could you do that when your kids aren't in the room?" 

Y/N and Gansey laughed and separated. 

Gansey walked back towards the kitchen/bathroom. "Anyone want a soda?" He asked, leaning on the doorway. 


They spent the rest of the night eating pizza that they had ordered, drinking soda, and discussing conspiracy theories, as they had done almost every night since meeting each other. They bantered and joked, laughed and snuggled; they had found happiness in each other. Gansey had his arms wrapped around Y/N, her head was nuzzled his chest. Adam laid between Ronan's legs, his arms wrapped around his torso. And Blue sat wrapped in a blanket, giggling and spilling her soda everywhere when she burst out laughing. This was the family they had made.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2020 ⏰

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