Gansey X Bookworm!Reader

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Character – Richard 'Gansey' |||

Reader Insert – Y/N

Writing prompt – X Bookworm!Reader

Y/N was grinning from ear to ear. Her bag was heavy with the weight of books; they banged against her hip as she bounded up the stairs of Monmouth Manufacturing.

He's going to love this!  Y/N thought cheerily. When she had made it to the door, she knocked eagerly, three times. She couldn't wait to hold Gansey and read. This was their little tradition; their 'couple time'. Y/N heard footsteps on the other side of the door, and then the creak of the hinges as it opened.

Gansey stood on the other side of the door, his eyes creasing behind his glasses as he grinned.

"Y/N," He said. "Come in." He took a step back, opening the door wider for her to step in.

"Sooo~" Y/N purred, rocking on the balls of her feet. "I got you something."

Gansey, mid-closing the door, turned to her and raised an eyebrow. "Oh?" He inquired inquisitively. "What is it?"

Y/N smiled and reached inside her bag. She heard the door close and Gansey make his way to her side. Her hands found their way to a large leather-bound book. Y/N had perused Gansey's bookshelves before and never had she seen this book – she wasn't even sure if he knew that it existed.

"Right," She said turning to Gansey. "Close your eyes; open them when I say so, okay? Oh, and hold out your hands."

Gansey nodded and closed his eyes, holding his hands out eagerly.

Y/N thought that he looked adorable like that. She leaned in and kissed his cheek.

He chuckled. "Was that it?"

Y/N stifled a giggle. "Not quite." She fingered the spine of the book gingerly, not wanting to damage it – it looked very old. She gripped the book and pulled it out of her bag, holding it as delicately as she could. She looked from the book to Gansey and mused at how lucky she was. Y/N lifted the book and placed it gingerly, into Gansey's waiting hands. "Open."

Gansey's eyes flung open and landed on the book in his hands. His eyes widened. His gaze moved to his bookshelves and then back to the book in his grip – he knew that he didn't have it.

"A History of Welsh Kings." Gansey mused. He flipped the front page open and his grin widened. "The Sleeping King – Owen Glendower." His ecstatic gaze whipped up to Y/N. "Where did you get this?"

Y/N smiled. She loved it when he acted like such a dork. "Blue and I were thrifting." She explained. "In the next town over."

He turned the book over gently in his hands; the leather felt like excitement. Knowing that this book contained knowledge about Glendower than he hadn't read before made him jittery. "Thank you, Y/N. This is incredible." Gansey placed the book on his lap and leaned over to kiss her.

Y/N hummed into the kiss. She loved the feel of his lips against hers. They were so soft, and Gansey was so gentle. She raised her hand to tangle in his hair, the other placed against his chest.

Gansey moved his hand to her cheek and caressed it softly. He pulled away and studied her face. "You're incredible, Y/N." His voice was as low as a whisper.

Y/N felt as if they were in a room full of people, and his voice was meant for her and her alone. Gansey always made her feel special, even when he wasn't trying to. She leaned back in and kissed his nose, before getting up and taking off her messenger bag. "There's this book that I've been dying to read..."


Y/N smiled softly. She had grown so attached to the characters in her book; she felt as if they were real. She glanced over at Gansey. He was chewing a mint leaf, the book spread across his lap. She studied his face; the way his eyebrows furrowed in concentration and he leaned over the book in anticipation.

"Have I got something on my face?" Gansey asked, rubbing his cheek furiously.

Y/N chuckled. "No dork, you just look so adorable when you read."

Gansey raised his eyebrows playfully, "Just when I read?" He teased.

Y/N rolled her eyes, still grinning. "You know that you're always adorable Richard Gansey the Third." She nudged his shoulder playfully and went back to reading.

Gansey set his book down and turned to face Y/N. "You know what I like about you, Y/N?"

This caught Y/N's attention. She quirked an eyebrow and placed her book down next to her. "What?"

"Everything." He grinned, taking her hand in his.

Y/N chuckled and leaned forward to kiss him. When she pulled back, she said, "That's rather vague, Ganseyman."

Gansey laughed at her imitation of Henry. "That was pretty good, Y/N."

Y/N mocked offense. "Pretty good? Coffee's pretty good. Watching TV is pretty good. That was excellent." She crossed her arms and pouted.

Gansey grinned and pulled her into his lap. "Right, right, sorry. That was excellent, Y/N." He whispered in her ear amusedly.

She giggled and buried her face in his chest. "Gansey?"

He looked down at her, "Yes?"

She grinned up at him. "I like everything about you too." 

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