Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps

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"What was he even doing here Miles?"

"Do ya really want to have this conversation 'ere?" He whispered, as low as he could, as Dr. Barney stared at them with nothing but sheer curiosity and gossip nature.
Alan breathed in and out deeply, turning to face the doctor. "Sorry I'm late Dr. Barney."

"It's alright, I'll explain to you what I've explained to Mr. Kane and Mr. Turner." Alan lifted an eyebrow in annoyance at the mention of Alex's name and Miles shrank his face into a grimace. He was in trouble. Did he care though?

Dr. Barney explained all the details about the tests that would, with almost one hundred percent accuracy, confirm that the baby had indeed Down Syndrome. Alan listened to it attentively with a frown, he didn't cry, he looked like he was in deep thought. After she finished explaining, Alan turned to face Miles. "I think we should have the test done."

"No," Miles retorted. "'aven't ya 'eard the risks?" He shook his head incredulously.

"But we should consider our options, and if the baby does have it, we could always termi-"

"No!" Miles interrupted him. "He exists, he's there, he's alive, and he's mine, I 'ave a responsibility and I love 'im."

"He's ours Miles, mine and yours, or just a few minutes with Turner is enough to twist your mind?" His eyes filled with that glossy look that came before tears but Miles wasn't moved by it. "And I love him too, alright? That's out of love. Why would you want to put our son through so much? That's egoistic Miles."

"Ya're actually talking 'bout killin' 'im, listen to yarself. I won't let that 'appen Alan." His hands were sweating, he wouldn't let anything happen to his baby, it didn't matter if he wasn't healthy enough. If anything the thought of that was actually an incentive to not deliberately kill him. The baby needed him, a grown up to care for him, to stand up for his right of living.

"So I don't have a say in this? Is that what you're telling me?" Alan stared open-mouthed.

"Not when ya want to kill me baby, so no ya don't 'ave a say. Ya'd never get me consent, and I think Dr. Barney can confirm that she'd only do somethin' as extreme as tha' with me consent. Innit?" His eyebrows lifted in expectation as he waited for confirmation from the doctor. Confirmation to what he already knew was true.

"Jesus Christ Miles, gay couples fight so hard for equality, for you to toss my rights as a parent because you happen to be the biological father. That's disgraceful. Again, I'm gonna ask you one more time, wouldn't you at least consider it?"

"Let me think about it." He dramatically brought his index finger to his face and hummed. "Hmmmmm.......NO! That's a categorical no."

"Funny thing..." The female voice spoke up. "Mr. Turner agreed with Mr. Kane right the way."

Great, now he needed to find a new obstetrician.

Alan got up and left. Miles didn't bother to follow him.


They'd need a change of scenery. They could move somewhere far from London after the baby was born, preferably a remote place. Maybe in Italy. Miles would love that, wouldn't he? That'd make it easier to get him on board. Johnny would be brought up away from the public eyes, maybe in a picturesque town. He'd make friends there, live a normal life. Miles would be happy, because Alex would make everything in his power to make that happen. Alex smiled, shaking off his thoughts. He stared at the display looking for something as unique and special as Miles. His eyes were yet to find the ring he'd imagined to be on par with the love of his life - he was the love of his life, period! No more pulling back, no more fucking about, it was finally time for the big plunge - many of the rings looked, how to put it, not shiny enough, not colourful enough or just way too bland. That was an impossible job anyway, to find something that would please both Miles and Alex at the same time, and Alex had to buy one for himself as well, a different one - considering the matching Death Ramps' rings had never been a thing for the two of them alone, but also a thing for the other monkeys as well. He wouldn't share this with anyone else, not this time, this time was Miles and him - and their son - against the world.

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