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Frisk slowly opened their eyes. Their vision was blurry. They pushed themselves up into a sitting position. They had taken a nap on the couch in the castle. Must've been too tired to go anywhere else. Frisk looked around and immediately noticed the absence of Toriel. 'Must be out doing something important.' Frisk thought.

They went to scratch their wrist and as soon as their hand touched skin, they remembered. Frisk had spilled hot tea on themselves yesterday. Toriel had said that she'd wash their sweater.

Right. It was still drying. That's fine, they said to themselves as they stood up. Frisk still had a white tank top, so they would just come back and get it later. It gave them an excuse to come see Toriel again, anyway.

They walked out the door and went into the elevator, not long after regretting they didn't have breakfast. They made their way through the core, said hi to Burgerpants at the hotel, then, at last, arrived at Alphys' lab. After going through the automatic door, the first thing Frisk saw was a small skeleton asleep at a desk, covered in what appeared to be paperwork.Frisk smiled and tried their hardest not to make any noise.

They walked slowly towards the skeleton, watching in amusement as the exhales of Sans' snores blew on the papers he was using as a pillow. Once close enough, they put their head on the desk, making it level with his. "Sans." They whispered. He was still asleep. Frisk knocked gently on his head, causing him to slowly open his eyes.

"Papyrus wants you to pick up your sock." Frisk said, startling Sans. "* f-frisk!" Sans cried out as he pulled his skull back. Frisk did the same, albeit much slower. "* w-what are you doing here?" Sans asked, confused.

"I wanted to see you." Frisk said simply. "You seemed troubled last night." Sans looked around for a bit before realizing where he was. He sighed. "* kid, that's nice of you, but you don't have to worry about me." Sans said rather plainly, still trying to recover from Frisk's sudden scare.

"Why not?" They asked, pulling up a chair to sit next to Sans. "You told me yourself that you have your fair share of problems." Frisk said. Sans turned his skull slightly, looking away from the kid. "So why not let me help?" Frisk asked. Sans turned back towards them in time to see them inching closer. Whether they realized it or not, they had scooted a lot closer to Sans.

"* i dont want you to be disappointed." Sans stated. Frisk looked confused. "* it's... nice you want to help me, but... really, i'm just like everyone else. i've got the same problems, and the same desire to get out of here." Sans explained. "* heh, it's probably for the best everyone is stuck down here. i mean, i can't exactly see the humans welcoming us with open arms." Sans turned towards the table, rattling his bones against in a rhythmic way. Frisk put a hand on Sans' bony one. He flinched and turned towards them.

"You can't lose hope." They said. "Sure, things were bad before, but now you have me! I'm here to help you, to support you. You're my friend, Sans." Frisk said compassionately. "I want to help you." The two stared at each other for a while, Frisk still trying to get the point across. The pinpricks of Sans' eyes wavered slightly as Frisk remained still.

It's as if the gravity of the situation finally caught up to Frisk, as they blinked a few times before backing up from the skeleton. Frisk's hand retreated to their side. "And besides." Frisk spoke up again. "Monsters have never had a live human to experiment on," Frisk paused. "but now they do!" They said with a smile. Sans chuckled at the humans unrivaled kindness.

"* never, is a strong word." Sans said jokingly. Before Frisk could ask what he meant, a door opened behind them. A yellow lizard walked out, holding what appeared to be machine blueprints. They froze as soon as they saw Frisk, shock apparent on their face.

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