The Hunt

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Frisk continued to run through the caves of Waterfall. The moist floor made small splashes as they went.

They skidded to a stop and looked to either side of them. Frisk strained their ears, but couldn't hear anything. In fact, now that they were seeing their surroundings they didn't know exactly where they were either.

They panted a bit, then let out a soft sigh before continuing on their path, this time walking so as to not startle the creature if they find it. It was slower, but they were starting to run out of hope that they'd find it at all.

Frisk had some time to cool down and reevaluate the situation. It seemed wrong to hide these 'amalgamations' from them, but what if - giving Alphys and Sans the benefit of the doubt - they were just trying to keep people safe? Or maybe even protect the monsters they made.

Either way, Frisk figured they were a bit harsh, and inwardly scolded themselves because of that. They would have to apologize once all this blows over. Maybe have a nice civilized conversation for once. That'd be nice, Frisk thought.


Around twenty minutes had passed and they still hadn't made any real progress, other than their legs getting sore. Frisk spied a nearby bench and decided to take a break. They were fairly close to Temmy village, so they figured they'd stop by there for a snack, then make their way to the Riverperson and check on the other's progress.

Frisk sat down and let out a contented sigh. They didn't realize quite how tired they were until now. Maybe a break was the right call.

They listened to the soft noises around them with care. The slight scratching of the cattails brushing against one another in the wind, the gentle flap of the nearby small bird, the distant puddle splashing of monster children playing together. It was... calming.

Frisk breathed in the crisp air. The air was stuffier in the Underground, probably from there being no fresh sources of oxygen for years. It wasn't as fresh as the air in the flower riddled plateaus Frisk went to in the past, but it was refreshing nonetheless.

The sound of scraping and shuffling pulled Frisk out of their trance. They looked around and saw nothing. More scraping, and what sounded like a whimper as well.

Frisk looked behind the bench they were sat at. The noise seemed to come from there. And although Frisk wasn't stupid enough to investigate every strange noise they heard, this time felt oddly different. Like they were drawn in to help.

Or maybe because whatever was making the noise could be hurt. Or maybe they really were stupid. Either way, they were going to find out.

Frisk moved from the bench and began walking towards the noise, the untidied grass brushing up against their wet boots.

The walls of the cave were glistening and beautiful. Frisk placed a hand on the cave wall and dragged it along as they went. It was damp and cold. There were even some flower petals that stuck to their hand after that. The noise echoed again, much louder this time.

Frisk followed it into an open plain. It was laced with bushes and echo flowers. They heard the noise again. Once from what was making it, and a dozen more times from the echo flowers around them.

Frisk traced the sound back to a bush, and walked towards it cautiously. They got a bit closer and the whimpers seemed to grow louder. Finally they were in front of it. Frisk slowly pushed the overgrown plant to the side...

It was the amalgamate. He was just sitting there... scared. At first Frisk was hesitant, but they ended up leaning in a bit closer. The dog shuffled back a few inches. Its leg was stuck in some thorny vines. It let out a soft whine as Frisk got closer.

They grabbed the vine with both hands - being careful not to cut themselves - and started turning it slightly, waiting for it to loosen. The creature started to yell. Frisk did their best to move more hastily, but it was difficult with all the squirming. It was just cutting up its leg more! Sure it wasn't intentional, but it was frustrating. Not to mention Frisk was getting their hands cut by holding onto the vine.

After too much time, Frisk got the vine off. The amalgamate jerked back on instinct. It looked around, seemingly noticing it was fine. Apart from the leg that is.

"You're okay now, see?" Frisk moved their hand to its leg. It flinched a little and Frisk pulled back, then kept moving their hand. They brushed the remaining thorns out of its leg and watched in curiosity as some of its wounds mended themselves.

Frisk glanced down at their own cut up hands and silently wished they could do the same. They burned slightly. And blood was stained on their palms, but the creature was now safe, and that was their intention.

The Amalgamate stood up, then walked closer to Frisk with a limp. It was maybe a foot away, and Frisk could feel its hot breath on their face. It lowered its head slightly, and Frisk took that as permission to touch it. They put their hand on the creature's head softly, then started brushing it in a comforting way. It let out a deep groan, seeming of enjoyment. "It's okay." Frisk repeated time the dog.
It didn't seem to mind Frisk dyeing its head red.

It seemed they treated the Amalgamate too harshly. Sure, it looked like a monster - more than the others at least - but it was actually kind, and nice to be around. It was just scared. Frisk pitied the poor creature.

Frisk looked from the Amalgam's face to the ground at their feet. The vines they pulled off were... moving? Before they could say anything, the vines grabbed ahold of their feet and pulled them to the ground. Frisk felt the shock of being taken by something, then the sharp pain of their head landing on something hard, seemingly a rock. Sharp pain shot through their skull, and their vision was filled with several dots clouding their sight.

The dog-hybrid reared on its multiple back legs, before it too was covered in vines. The plant's vines covering it were stronger and had a harder grip, like they recognize he was a bigger threat.

Frisk heard soft giggling as they frantically rolled about, trying to be free from their floral feet-grabbers. In an act of desperation, they grabbed a sharp rock next to them and rammed it into the vines. They started to cut through them before the vines retracted and let Frisk go.

Frisk kicked away at the ground and looked up at the dog in horror. They squinted to try and see properly. It was shaking in a terrified manner, and on top of the vine riddled creature, was a smiling golden flower.

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