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The sound of vines snapping against something hard filled all the ears of those who were listening. Flowey continued his relentless attacks on the bone wall Papyrus had summoned.

He screamed in anger as the wall refused to break. It was cracked and fragile, much like the skeleton's spirit. 

Papyrus inched backwards with each hit, and it wasn't long until he was pushed up against a large rock. He looked up at Flowey and watched as he lashed against the bones, then gasped when they were destroyed.

The bones shattered into pieces right before Papyrus' eyes. In one swift motion he was grabbed, and then hurled across the room.

His arms swung violently in the air, and he was too dizzy to see where he would land.

Sure enough, Papyrus landed. He looked down to see several bones floating horizontally underneath him. He had landed on Sans' bone attack! It was a good 5 feet from the ground, and Papyrus could see Sans standing off to the side, not too far from the attack.

Sans simply nodded, then sent his bones flying forward, Papyrus in tow.

Flowey squinted his eyes and cracked his whips at the incoming Skeleton. Sans maneuvered his bones masterfully, even Papyrus took notice.

They continued to dodge attacks - much to Flowey's dismay - and once they were close enough, Papyrus jumped off the bones and rammed a femur into Flowey's eye.

The monster screamed in agony, meanwhile Papyrus landed gracefully on the grass that was near the plant.

Flowey grabbed the bone with a vine and yanked it out. Bits of plant matter and sap drooped down his face as he glared at the nearby skeleton.

He felt something sharp pierce his side, and turned to see Sans throwing attack after attack relentlessly at his body. Flowey sent his vines after the skeleton, but before he could hit him he... disappeared?

Flowey looked around, only to meet a blaster to the back of the head. He could hear Sans' soft chuckling and the sound of something flying away.

Flowey turned his head to see Sans flying through the sky on a Gaster Blaster. Then, in one fell swoop he grabbed it, freezing it in motion. Before Sans had time to react, he was thrown into a wall.


Frisk grabbed a sharpened bone that one of the skeletons dropped and started hacking away at the weeds that were overtaking the ground.

A giant vine emerged from the ground. The tip moved around wildly, while the rest was sent charging into Frisk. They raised their bone as an attempt to block, but before they could see if it would work, Papyrus jumped in the way and summoned bones to protect them.

He turned to Frisk and motioned for them to move. Frisk looked where Papyrus gestured and saw a large dirt mound in the distance. They assumed they had to go there, and when they turned to Papyrus for confirmation he just nodded his head.

Frisk did as they were told and began to run. As they went, they could hear Flowey's screams and Papyrus' groans. They wanted to turn back, but they kept going.

Papyrus did his best to fend off the attacks sent at him, but Flowey was too much a threat for him. Even with Sans' help - help being more get an attack in then retreat - the two couldn't take Flowey down.

Flowey began digging his roots into the ground, pulling up any dirt or stone in his way. He pursued the skeletons, and all they could do was run from the seemingly endless amounts of debris.

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