Chapter 3: Arrival

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Azur Lane Joint Main Base: Off of the coast of East England

I drove along the country side like scenery which was just magnificent. I then encountered a slightly steep road that showed me the harbor, the multiple facilitie's, and a small island in the center of the harbor. That must be where they are. I reached the facilitie's which were full of working yellow bird's. I can also see some ship's in the dry dock's being repaired.

Must be a recent battle.

I drove through a suspension bridge which i also saw multiple ship's docked in it. There where Eagle Union Aircraft Carrier's, Royal Navy Battleship's, Sakura Empire Aircraft Carrier's, and Iron Blood Cruiser's. But one ship caught my attention which i just shrugged the thought of off my mind.

I reduced my speed drastically, i saw many ship girl's walking, talking to each other, or playing. It's like there weren't any Siren's. Most especially im happy, because all 4 major faction's have once again became allie's and i hope it stay's that way permenantly. I can see as well a lot of them looking at the car,

I understood that the FSL wanted a way for me to travel much faster and more comfortable for me, but i didn't need a car that would turn head's toward's it.

I passed through a large building that said Canteen. I also saw a large garden that had a golden anchor at the center with some water fall decoration's on it. I could also see many child like ship girl's probably destroyer's playing and playing with each other.

I then parked the car infront of a building that said "Lecture Hall". I closed the engine, tidied myself up and exited the car. Once i did i was quickly met by a Maid?.

"Good Afternoon sir, i am Head Maid of the Royal Navy, Belfast" she bowed and faced me with a smile. I returned it with a nod.

I was escorted by her inside of the Lecture Hall. It was relatively decent in size for the main Buildung of Azur Lane's Major Base. We passed few ship girl's on our way, they looked at us especially me. Mixed expression's like

Who is he?
Why is he here?
Is he an Officer?

Those kind of question's. We reached a wooden door as she opened it for me.
I entered the room and it was strange. I looked at her with a confused looked as she closed the door. "The Commander and the other's are still in the middle of a battle i apologize for there absence but i assure you they will arrive shortly" she explained calmly as she walked to a closet beside what appear's to be the desk of their commander. She opened the closet and brang out a couple of tea cup's. She faced me and asked "tea?". I replied with a thank you as she started preparing a couple cup's of tea. Probably for the other's as well. A few minute's passed, silence engulfed the room as Belfast was still preparing a few more cup's. I didn't mind the awkwardness, im actually very used to it. I mean i am trained to only talk when necessary to people i haven't known yet. Belfast handed me my tea as i nodded and she bowed a little.
A perfect example of a maid.

"Anyone is anyone there over?!" Belfast immidiately stopped preparing the rest of the tea and answered the distress signal. "Hello this is Belfast over?" she said worringly. Probably the one's that Belfast mentioned earlier. I continued listening while sipping my tea. I stayed calm and kept my pose as a proper gentleman.

"Thank goodness Belfast we need support ASAP we didn't anticipated it..." the girl stopped talking. That made Belfast more worried
"anticipated what?" Belfast asked as she waited for an answer. "Humanoid Siren's!" the girl said before the transmission stopped. Both me and Belfast were taken by surprise.

"Commodore please excuse me, as you heard they need help" she said sincerely as i just nodded to her as she quickly ran outside the room.

Considering Belfast the only one that received the distress call, Considering her being a light cruiser and a pinned down team against a humanoid Siren. They don't stand a chance.

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