Chapter 12: Reunion

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(we'll be refereing to Rage not Galahad but the body is still Galahad's)
3rd POV

Rage grinned and utilized Galahad's skill's. As Galahad was trained by different warrior's with different background's. Hokkaido and Shikishima specialized in the art of Ninjutsu and the way's of the Samurai. Ulrich and Gotz specialized more on breaching tactic's, utilizing their shield's as breaching tool's and as well as Ulrich and Gotz really had intimidating look's. Montana and Ohio, utilize's there impressive detecting capability and Long-Range firing, they are basically the eye's and ear's of the Balance Type's. Lastly Lancelot and Galahad, them being knight's they alway's take into account the Knight's
Chivalric Code.

These basic ideal's make's each Balance Type to be a better person, and to be a better protector suited to defend Humanity. These ideal's will be put to the test as Rage will face his first foe's.

"So are we going to lay down all day...or are we going to fight?", Rage said. Fallen Siren bodie's littered the ocean, as the Siren's first attempt to end him failed. "Tsk...already at your Rage eh? and i believe that you are Galahad's Rage?" Rage raised an eyebrow at Arbiter "am i really obliged to answer that or your just letting out some worry by talking how pathetic" that made Arbiter tick and she finally went on the offensive against Rage. She summoned more Siren's while Arbiter kept a distance and fired of her long range shot's but to no prevail as Rage was too fast. It was almost Dawn, the girl's had already made it to a safe place with few Siren's chasing them. That safe place, they had a clear vantage point of the entire base as well as to the ensuing battle.

"Oh...still stubborn well then" Arbiter said as she commanded more and more Siren's to come after Rage. "You know no matter how much you throw at me i'll keep coming back" Rage said as he quickly took care of the incoming onsolaught.


Rage, in the nick of time quickly deflected the strong incoming beam using his Holy Sword. "Impressive" Rage said as the beam stopped, "so my theory is correct" Arbiter said menacingly as she pointed to Rage or Galahad's chest where his heart is located.

"Even though the Balance Type's seem so indestructable, even though they are in their Trump Card or Rage form, they will alway's have a weakness and today you have proven me correct" Arbiter explained, as she ordered all Siren's to concentrate their attack's on his heart.

One by one, their attack's were seemingly getting more and more precise. "Even so, i will cut down every single one of you...ahhhh!" Rage screamed, in a blink of an eye the group of Siren's were cut into halve's, immidiately Arbiter open fire's her main artillery at Rage. Arbiter's shell's were extremely fast, which Rage could barely dodge. Each time Rage get's closer and closer to Arbiter more and more Siren's are blocking his way, and more and more Siren bodie's litter the ocean.

"Im coming for you!" Rage shouted as he got closer and closer to Arbiter until


Rage was stopped in his track's by Observor, her tentacle's barely holding Rage sword "now Arbiter!" Obersvor shouted as Arbiter smirked and fired all her artillery at Rage's position.

"Galahad!" Hood shouted from the vantage point as everyone was trying to calm down, "im sorry...Galahad said that we can't until it's done" Wale's said to Hood as she can't hold back her tear's. The sight she witnessed a while ago was more horrifying than anything she ever witnessed. "Look!" the Royal Navy Destroyer Amazon shouted and pointed to Galahad's direction while using her Telescope.

"He's Alive!" everyone shouted joyfully as Hood, was overjoyed that Galahad didn't perish, but she still knew that the battle isn't over yet.

From the smoke's, Rage was unscaved from the blast. "That was quite the shot, but for your information my armor especially in Rage can withstand a hundred megaton's of TNT, double of the Tsar Bomba" Rage's or Galahad's Holy Sword Excalibur emmidiately emmited a glowing gold light which immidiately purified his sword.

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