Chapter 6: The Letter

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2 Week's Later: Royal Navy Garden

It's been more than 2 week's since i arrived here. To be honest i really enjoy being here, the girl's really make good friend's and keep me company. And i decided ill withdraw from that cold attitude and change to my true friendly attitude.

" you like Hood?" Queen asked as i just blushed hard and coughed at what she said. I saw Hood blushing hard as well.
"Your majesty...of course n-not" why did she even brought that subject up, "Then stop staring at her and finish your tea!" i can see them chuckling, and Hood keeping her head down and being comforted by Wale's. "My apologie's" i said completely embarrassed.

"Sr. Galahad it's an urgent letter for you" Belfast then gave me a letter which had a sealing wax that had the seal of the Royal Navy?!. I then realized it is an urgent letter "Your majesty everyone i have to excuse myself, i have something urgent sorry" i said then immidiately hurried to my car and headed strait home.

3rd POV

"Belfast may i ask what was in the letter?" Hood asked the head maid as everyone looked at Belfast "No clue Ms. Hood and beside's it was a very important letter i suppose" Belfast continued to serve the ladie's as they all wondered

What was the letter about?.

"So Hood your taking interest to Galahad it seem's?" Wale's asked as everyone started to chuckle, as for Hood she ended up being a tomato. "Wale's!" Hood exclaimed as everyone then started laughing which only made her more embarrassed, "oh now we all know that you like Galahad so why not go on a date with him?" Illustrious asked jokingly as they all looked at Hood with anticipation in there eye's. Hood stayed silent for a few second's "alright alright stop teasing Hood" Queen said as they all nodded and started chatting about stuff yet again.

While Hood was still silent

Why do they alway's tease me, i mean it's still too early to say if i liked him or not but still, ever since that night i really got attached to him more and more. It's like im unconciously clinging to him. But even so he doesn't mind at all. Even so he alway's accept's it. Does it mean no Hood it's still too early.

After she got back she immidiately stood up and excused herself.

If it is something important, as his secretary i have to be by his side.

Galahad's POV

After i got back i quickly went to my study and calmed myself down.
"What is it this time" i then opened the envelope and revieled 2 letter's one, written on a regular paper, and the other written on hard paper. I first read the letter written on the soft one.

Royal Navy district,
Ministry of Defense,
White hall, London

Galahad, a few day's ago the admiralty decided that they will send Vice Admiral Alec that will be supervising the base as well. I am writing this confidential letter to you due to i showing concern for the girl's. Vice Admiral Alec has a record of Sexual Harrasment, Inequality, and other bad deed's. I fear for the girl's safety at most. So please protect them and be wary of his movement's. Due to this issue i will also give to you what the envelope contain's as well. Well that's all for now stay safe, and protect the girl's. Oh he will be arriving about tomorrow when this letter arrive's to you alright.

After i read it, i thought of how will i even stop a perv who has a higher rank then me "well the answer lie's here". I then put the letter back to the envelope and opened the other one written on the hard paper. I opened it and seemed to have a unfamiliar "card?".

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