Chapter 9: The Knight Galahad

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(Sorry, i cant really find a good pic of a single knight against an army & ended up with his pic in his trump card form so yah enough from me.)

3rd POV

Galahad is now in what the Balance Type's call the Trump Card Form in which Galahad like his brother are in his Knight form's, specifically Knight's of the Round Table.

His normal suit changed to his medievel Knight armor, his usual weapon's his Pistol and Umbrella turned into the Holy Legendary Sword Excalibur, it's color the same as his armor. A pure white that represent's purity and perfection.

Like Galahad, the other Balance Type's also have their own Trump Card form's. Hokkaido and Shikishima in their Samurai Form, Ulrich and Gotz in their Ritter Form, Montana and Ohio in their Vanguard Form, and lastly Lancelot and Galahad in their Knight Form.

Galahad made a stance in front of the Siren's "you pathetic Siren's are lucky i haven't even used my trump card yet...well what are we waiting for" Galahad said menacingly as he immidiately struck the incoming Siren's at astonishing speed's. After the first strike, he already eliminated a dozen of them which left the rest in fear.

"Tsk even though your that strong you'll be very troubled about this one" Arbiter said menacingly as she summoned dozen's of portal's that released hundred's of Siren Ship's. The girl's were also shocked that they so happen encounter this kind of thing yet again. They really wanted to help Galahad already, but as Galahad istructed to them.

don't help me unless i fire a flare

They all continued to watch the battle, " know Arbiter you just made my job easier...and more exciting" Galahad said as Arbiter got more and more pissed off, the remaining Siren humanoid's morale also wen't up. So they all pounced at Galahad who only smirked menacingly at them.


Galahad shouted again making the same effect's as the first one, but this is different.

Lightning's appeared and strucked Excalibur multiple time's as Galahad was holding it upward's "Now i will show you the power of Excalibur!" he shouted as he pointed the sword to the Siren Fleet and released Excalibur's full power.

A large yellow beam blast through the Siren's that was about to pounce in front of him disintegrating them in the process. That yellow beam is composed of 12, 18 inch shell's, yes 18 inch shell's are the highest caliber gun ever used on a naval ship. But these are not ordinary shell's, the reason why Galahad's fellow Balance Type's were so eager to protect and train him. Is because each 18 inch shell's contained one w23 medium yield nuclear warhead, which had a radius of about 2 and a half kilometer's which would annihalate anything in that vicinity. And Galahad had 12 of these devastating shell's.

Once the beam was fired, everyone was in shock, the girl's on the beach watching, the Siren's, and even Galahad. Which is his first time using his Trump Card in real combat. The entire siren fleet was anihhalated in a single blow. "Tsk...retreat!" Arbiter shouted as the remaining Siren's cowardly retreated "as for you we will meet again and at that time you won't be so lucky...Balance Type" she said menacingly as she also retreated into a portal. "Heh then you better get haven't seen the best of me yet...Siren" after that Galahad assured that there weren't any remaining threat's. He then saw the sun rising, what a beautiful site, After that he pulled out his flare and shot it at the sky indicating the girl's confirmation to head out.

After the fight, Galahad lost consciousness and landed on the ocean which made a huge splash. After a few second's everyone arrived and saw Galahad still in his Knight Form, they immidiately got worried and rushed him to the infirmary.

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