Lyrics: EXO - M - Moonlight

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Yeah Stop Stop 会淋湿你的翅膀 Oh Hoo Stop Stop

你不断悄悄地入侵 在我每一天的缝隙
放逐了黑色梦境 温柔将我唤醒
来不及关上窗 你远远地逃离

黑夜依然冷清 空气里失去你
So Baby Hold On 捨不得看着你
在我追不上的距离 担心你一个人孤寂

凝结成画 在我视线尽头

触摸不到的你 无法拥在臂弯里
即使闭上眼睛 再也梦不到的神秘
不知如何下笔 写完你的 Story
愈是想要靠近 愈痛苦的悲剧
爱难以抗拒 Stop Stop Stop Stop Yeah
爱难以抗拒 Stop Stop Stop Stop Yeah
我阻止自己 焦急地呼唤你
怕眼里月光 Babe 会淋湿你的翅膀

我每次对你说 你早已听不见
也许在他身边 有怎样喜悦 让你忘记所有危险
若你已经疲倦 让你的心歇一歇
只要你还在我心里 心痛的不只是你

雨过天晴是你的伪装 总是对我微笑是你的坚强
而脆弱的是你白色的肩膀 轻轻颤抖着悲伤 I’m Telling You
我的心是敞开的窗 你可以放下所有的安躺
拥抱直到天亮 跟着月幕下那光 你继续追寻明天的流浪 Yeah

Stop 会淋湿你的翅膀 Stop 会淋湿你的翅膀


Yeah Stop Stop huì lín shī nǐ de chì bǎng Oh Hoo Stop Stop

nǐ bú duàn qiāo qiāo de rù qīn zài wǒ měi yī tiān de féng xì
fàng zhú le hēi sè mèng jìng wēn róu jiāng wǒ huàn xǐng
lái bú jí guān shàng chuāng nǐ yuǎn yuǎn dì táo lí

páng fú yòu mí lù de nǐ ,nǐ ,nǐ
hēi yè yī rán lěng qīng kōng qì lǐ shī qù nǐ
So Baby Hold On shě bú dé kàn zhe nǐ
zài wǒ zhuī bú shàng de jù lí dān xīn nǐ yī gè rén gū jì

nǐ zài sǎ luò de yuè guāng xià mù yù
cóng wèi jiàn guò rú cǐ zhao mí de nà shén qíng
níng jié chéng huà zài wǒ shì xiàn jìn tóu
nǐ yǒng yuǎn zàn tíng

chù mō bú dào de nǐ wú fǎ yōng zài bì wān lǐ
jí shǐ bì shàng yǎn jīng zài yě mèng bú dào de shén mì
bú zhī rú hé xià bǐ xiě wán nǐ de Story
yù shì xiǎng yào kào jìn yù tòng kǔ de bēi jù
ài nán yǐ kàng jù Stop Stop Stop Stop Yeah
ài nán yǐ kàng jù Stop Stop Stop Stop Yeah
wǒ zǔ zhǐ zì jǐ jiāo jí de hū huàn nǐ
pà yǎn lǐ yuè guāng Babe huì lín shī nǐ de chì bǎng

wǒ měi cì duì nǐ shuō nǐ zǎo yǐ tīng bú jiàn
yě xǔ zài tā shēn biān yǒu zěn yàng xǐ yuè ràng nǐ wàng jì suǒ yǒu wēi xiǎn 
ruò nǐ yǐ jīng pí juàn ràng nǐ de xīn xiē yī xiē
zhī yào nǐ hái zài wǒ xīn lǐ xīn tòng de bú zhī shì nǐ

yǔ guò tiān qíng shì nǐ de wěi zhuāng zǒng shì duì wǒ wēi xiào shì nǐ de jiān qiáng
ér cuì ruò de shì nǐ bái sè de jiān bǎng qīng qīng chàn dǒu zhe bēi shāng I’m Telling You
wǒ de xīn shì chǎng kāi de chuāng nǐ kě yǐ fàng xià suǒ yǒu de ān tǎng
yōng bào zhí dào tiān liàng gēn zhe yuè mù xià nà guāng nǐ jì xù zhuī xún míng tiān de liú làng Yeah

Stop huì lín shī nǐ de chì bǎng Stop huì lín shī nǐ de chì bǎng


Yeah Stop Stop it will soak your wings Oh Hoo Stop Stop
You constantly, stealthily invade the breaks in my everyday life
Exiled to a dark dream, (your) gentleness awakens me
(I’m) Not in time to close the window, you flee far away

The you, you, you who seems lost again
The dark night is still cold and lonely, I lose you to the air
So baby hold on, I can’t bear to look at you
At a distance that I cannot catch up to, worried that you will be lonely

You take a bath under the moonlight that spills down
(I have) never seen before an expression so captivating
Frozen into a picture, at the end of my line of sight
You stay there forever

You who I can’t touch, who I can’t pull into my arms
Even if I close my eyes, I can’t dream of that mysteriousness
I don’t know how to start moving my pen and finish writing your story
The closer I want to get to you, the more painful and tragic (it is)
Love is hard to reject Stop Stop Stop Stop Yeah
Love is hard to reject Stop Stop Stop Stop Yeah
I stop myself from anxiously calling out for you
Afraid that the moonlight in my eyes, babe, will soak your wings

Every time I tell you that, you’ve long ago not been able to hear
Perhaps you’re by his side, what kind of happiness is there that has made you forget all the dangers?
If you’re already tired, let your heart rest for a while
As long as you’re in my heart, you won’t be the only one whose heart is hurting

Clear skies after the rain is your pretense, always smiling at me is your strength
And your white fragile shoulders, gently shaking with sadness, I’m telling you
My heart is an open window, you can put down everything and lie down in peace
Hug till the sun comes up, following the light from the moon, you continue to wander looking for tomorrow Yeah

Stop, it will wet your wings,
Stop, it will wet your wings

cr. exom-trans

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